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House Median Value Rank of Census Tract within 50 miles of Census Tract CA025012400

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 69 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼Census Tract / Population
1.$301,800CA025011801 / 3,668
2.$276,500AZ027000908 / 2,400
3.$274,200CA025011803 / 5,874
4.$258,200CA025010600 / 5,747
5.$244,100CA025011201 / 6,407
6.$241,700AZ027011107 / 2,990
7.$227,100AZ027010911 / 6,084
8.$224,600CA025012002 / 9,057
9.$222,200AZ027000501 / 3,074
10.$221,700CA025011000 / 10,230
11.$220,100CA025011900 / 9,868
12.$219,600AZ027000907 / 7,139
13.$218,800CA065045900 / 2,183
14.$215,500AZ027000903 / 3,287
15.$214,300CA025011802 / 4,827
16.$211,700CA065046103 / 2,823
17.$206,600CA025011700 / 5,011
18.$203,800CA065047000 / 1,626
19.$201,400CA025011600 / 6,192
20.$199,300CA025010300 / 1,100
21.$193,900CA025010900 / 6,678
21.$193,900AZ027000905 / 7,401
23.$186,100CA025012200 / 7,266
24.$186,000AZ027000800 / 4,641
25.$185,600CA065046101 / 3,890
26.$185,500AZ027000902 / 2,788
26.$185,500AZ027011501 / 2,565
28.$182,900CA025011100 / 3,623
29.$176,000CA025010500 / 6,570
30.$174,700CA025011300 / 9,748
31.$174,300CA025010800 / 1,489
32.$173,800CA025010200 / 2,024
33.$168,400CA025012100 / 6,897
34.$168,200CA025011400 / 4,378
35.$165,300CA025012001 / 3,560
36.$164,700CA065046102 / 1,433
37.$163,400CA025010700 / 5,057
38.$162,300AZ027000100 / 2,623
39.$159,500AZ027001100 / 5,178
40.$154,800AZ027000901 / 3,397
41.$153,300AZ027000600 / 4,709
42.$153,000CA025011500 / 5,564
43.$152,300CA025010400 / 7,034
44.$144,600AZ027011503 / 5,705
45.$141,300AZ027001200 / 3,742
46.$141,200AZ027011504 / 6,645
47.$129,200CA065046200 / 2,694
48.$126,700AZ027000200 / 3,910
49.$125,000AZ027000402 / 2,945
50.$120,700CA025010102 / 8,675
51.$118,100AZ027000302 / 4,901
52.$111,500AZ027001004 / 2,329
52.$111,500CA065046900 / 2,001
54.$109,300AZ027001001 / 2,580
55.$108,600AZ027000301 / 3,547
56.$108,400AZ027000403 / 1,830
57.$103,100AZ027011000 / 2,022
58.$98,700AZ012020602 / 920
59.$96,800CA025012302 / 2,002
60.$90,000AZ027000700 / 4,771
61.$80,400CA025940000 / 3,380
62.$79,900AZ027010913 / 1,226
63.$71,800CA025011202 / 5,111
64.$71,700CA025010101 / 4,505
65.$59,400AZ027010914 / 952
66.$57,600AZ027000502 / 3,151
67.$51,000AZ027001003 / 1,576
68.$45,000AZ027000404 / 3,854
69.$40,800CA025012400 / 849

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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