Los Gatos, CA Historical Marital Status Data
ACS 2010-2014 data
Total population: 30,163
Los Gatos, CA | % | California | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 24,702 | see rank | 30,462,253 | 252,974,135 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 12,242 | 100%, see rank | 15,026,838 | 123,281,364 |
Never Married | 3,381 | 27.62%, see rank | 39.95% | 35.77% |
Married | 7,445 | 60.82%, see rank | 49.84% | 52.04% |
Widowed | 240 | 1.96%, see rank | 2.14% | 2.57% |
Divorced | 1,176 | 9.61%, see rank | 8.07% | 9.62% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 12,460 | 100%, see rank | 15,435,415 | 129,692,771 |
Never Married | 2,555 | 20.51%, see rank | 32.75% | 29.48% |
Married | 7,143 | 57.33%, see rank | 48.11% | 49.19% |
Widowed | 1,051 | 8.43%, see rank | 7.96% | 9.16% |
Divorced | 1,711 | 13.73%, see rank | 11.18% | 12.16% |
ACS 2008-2012 data
Total population: 29,522
Los Gatos, CA | % | California | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 23,499 | see rank | 29,700,084 | 248,042,237 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 10,931 | 100%, see rank | 14,662,725 | 120,789,875 |
Never Married | 2,583 | 23.63%, see rank | 39.41% | 35.08% |
Married | 7,105 | 65.00%, see rank | 50.47% | 52.93% |
Widowed | 205 | 1.88%, see rank | 2.12% | 2.53% |
Divorced | 1,038 | 9.50%, see rank | 8.00% | 9.46% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 12,568 | 100%, see rank | 15,037,359 | 127,252,362 |
Never Married | 2,670 | 21.24%, see rank | 32.05% | 28.74% |
Married | 7,032 | 55.95%, see rank | 48.68% | 49.95% |
Widowed | 1,235 | 9.83%, see rank | 8.12% | 9.34% |
Divorced | 1,631 | 12.98%, see rank | 11.14% | 11.97% |
ACS 2006-2010 data
Total population: 28,878
Los Gatos, CA | % | California | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 23,261 | see rank | 28,999,754 | 243,073,468 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 10,791 | 100%, see rank | 14,316,823 | 118,264,295 |
Never Married | 2,454 | 22.74%, see rank | 38.50% | 34.21% |
Married | 7,071 | 65.53%, see rank | 51.51% | 54.02% |
Widowed | 240 | 2.22%, see rank | 2.13% | 2.52% |
Divorced | 1,026 | 9.51%, see rank | 7.87% | 9.25% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 12,470 | 100%, see rank | 14,682,931 | 124,809,173 |
Never Married | 2,525 | 20.25%, see rank | 31.08% | 27.93% |
Married | 7,087 | 56.83%, see rank | 49.64% | 50.85% |
Widowed | 1,263 | 10.13%, see rank | 8.24% | 9.55% |
Divorced | 1,595 | 12.79%, see rank | 11.03% | 11.66% |
ACS 2005-2009 data
Total population: 28,592
Los Gatos, CA | % | California | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 22,519 | see rank | 28,496,095 | 240,146,935 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 10,402 | 100%, see rank | 14,158,615 | 117,166,601 |
Never Married | 2,327 | 22.37%, see rank | 38.01% | 34.13% |
Married | 7,087 | 68.13%, see rank | 51.93% | 54.15% |
Widowed | 196 | 1.88%, see rank | 2.15% | 2.53% |
Divorced | 792 | 7.61%, see rank | 7.91% | 9.19% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 12,117 | 100%, see rank | 14,337,480 | 122,980,334 |
Never Married | 2,456 | 20.27%, see rank | 30.57% | 27.67% |
Married | 6,977 | 57.58%, see rank | 49.82% | 50.88% |
Widowed | 1,153 | 9.52%, see rank | 8.49% | 9.85% |
Divorced | 1,531 | 12.64%, see rank | 11.12% | 11.60% |
US Census 2000 data
Total population: 28,592
Los Gatos, CA | % | California | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 23,608 | see rank | 26,076,163 | 221,148,671 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 11,006 | 100%, see rank | 12,844,669 | 107,027,405 |
Never Married | 3,099 | 28.16%, see rank | 33.82% | 30.26% |
Married | 6,713 | 60.99%, see rank | 56.10% | 58.58% |
Widowed | 244 | 2.22%, see rank | 2.17% | 2.52% |
Divorced | 950 | 8.63%, see rank | 7.92% | 8.65% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 12,602 | 100%, see rank | 13,231,494 | 114,121,266 |
Never Married | 2,704 | 21.46%, see rank | 26.45% | 24.13% |
Married | 6,892 | 54.69%, see rank | 53.62% | 54.60% |
Widowed | 1,408 | 11.17%, see rank | 8.92% | 10.49% |
Divorced | 1,598 | 12.68%, see rank | 11.02% | 10.78% |
* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.