Not really. It's just that time of year... summertime! Seems there is so much to get done everyday, and not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. Add to that my new job, and life is pretty danged hectic!
So here's an update, along with some lovely Kansas photos you might enjoy.
The garden... yes, we finally got one started!
Thanks and kudos go to the hubby, not I.
Corn on the far left (first row battered by a storm),
then there's the new row of corn sprouting,
then cukes, beans, and radishes.
Woohoo! Our first tomatoes.
We also have pepper plants, hard to see in this photo.
Hubby used nothing more than a shovel to turn over this hard, compacted piece of land. Then a few months later he borrowed a tiller from someone at work, and rototilled what he had turned with the shovel. He helped me plant the tomatoes and peppers, but thanks go to him for planting all the seeds and keeping it all watered on a daily basis. I was watering at first, but the mosquitoes have been really bad this year, and I'm their feast every single time I venture outside (it's quite frustrating!!) For some reason, they don't enjoy nibbling on him. Lucky me, huh?
Our first radishes... I put one on hubby's salad last night.
He said they had quite a bit of heat!
Purple Fountain Grass we planted on the east side of the drive.
They are flourishing and I'm hoping they reach their
full potential next year... 4 to 5 feet!
The back porch.
By the old garage ... antique cream separator with flowers.
The outhouse, with coleus and ivy in the flowerbox.
My clean car. Ok, it's not a beautiful rural photo.
But do you know how often I have a clean car??!!
It will be dirty again tomorrow once I drive the
3 miles down our gravel road to the main road.
Coneflower, coreopsis and dwarf zinnias.
Last night's sunset.
Yeah, I still like it here in Kansas.... except for these danged mosquitoes!!!
I'm sporting a bunch of new bites just to get these photos!
Update on the purple fountain grass: This plant is only hardy to zone 9. So we won't be seeing it return next spring. This makes me sad. I guess it's my bad for not paying more attention to the plant info tag.