Market Surveillance Report Form

If you would like to report a concern with a product bearing a UL Mark, UL Certificate, UL Service, or advertising concern, please complete and submit the form below. Not all fields may apply to your concern. Please provide as much detail as possible.

For more information about UL's market surveillance activities click here.

A. Your Contact Information

B. Product Information

C. Description of Concern

If you would like to provide additional information or photos, please email us at

Upload Pictures

You can upload up to four (4) images of the product in question. Please include a photo of the UL Label. NOTE: At this time, we can accept image formats only, such as JPG, GIF, PNG or BMP. After submitting this form, if you would like to provide additional images, or files in an alternate format, please email us at

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Thank you. We appreciate your time and help.

When you submit this information to UL, UL will use this information to investigate your report which may include sharing this information with third parties, including manufacturers, regulatory authorities and others for purposes consistent with UL's public safety mission. Information that is submitted to UL shall be owned exclusively by UL. By clicking on Submit, you acknowledge that you understand the information you provide will be owned and used by UL consistent with these purposes.