Web-based distributed systems

The Web is fast becoming a serious competitor to traditional enterprise architecture approaches. This tutorial will provide an introduction to RESTful Web Service techniques, both from a theoretical and practical perspectives.

The tutorial is broken down as follows:

• Introduction and Motivation
• The Web Architecture
• Simple Web Integration including POX and URI tunnelling
• CRUD Services using URI templates and HTTP
• Semantics using Microformats and RDF
• Hypermedia and the REST architectural style
• Scalability and how a text-based client-server polling protocol outperforms everything else!
• ATOM and ATOMPub for event-driven and pub/sub applications    Security
• Conclusions and further thoughts

About Jim Webber

Dr. Jim Webber is Chief Scientist with Neo Technology the company behind the popular open source graph database Neo4j, where he works on graph database server technology and writes open source software. Jim is interested in using big graphs like the Web for building distributed systems, which led him to being a co-author on the book REST in Practice, having previously written Developing Enterprise Web Services - An Architect's Guide. Jim is an active speaker, presenting regularly around the world. His blog is located at http://jimwebber.org and he tweets often @jimwebber.

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