Johan Edstrom

Johan Edstrom is an open source software evangelist, Apache developer and seasoned architect; he has created Java architectures for large scalable, high transaction monitoring, financial and open source systems.

Johan has worked as development lead, infrastructure manager, IT lead, programmer and guided several large companies to success in the use of open source software components.

Lately he has been helping some of the worlds largest networking companies and medical startups achieve high availability, scalability and dynamically adapting SOA systems.


Transitioning the citizen services completely open source - utilizing Java. Migrating and restructuring existing services and departments into a single cohesive scalable resource for delivering online information for services such as, vehicle information, civil service, judicial and anything else a government entity will require. A complete SOA restructuring of disparate systems, languages and services built on proprietary systems, integration of non standards compliant web services, databases, regionally distributed system while increasing uptime, scalability, response time and management of a single master data source.

A case study of the transition from disparate government entities, various forms of delivering data, lack of a uniform schema and several political boundaries. During this session we will look at setting up a message driven asynchronous infrastructure to rapidly integrate legacy systems requiring web services, JPA, JDBC into a common dictionary, structure and cluster ready system. All based on existing and open Java API's, technologies and easy to use frameworks. We will show how to effectively combine SOA techniques with modern Key Value stores, effectively use OSGi and JPA, rely on proven api's as JMS and combining all of these with existing and well proven Apache Java offerings. We will address scalability, security, systems design and rapid development of highly robust web services and stateless interfaces for high load systems. In the end of the session you'll have a complete overview of a big data system based on Camel, Karaf, CXF and Cassandra. A completely message driven design that interacts with legacy systems encompassing many commercial and open source offerings commonly used.

Real world applications, there is more to SOA and scaling systems than just dropping some XML files into a file area and applying XSLT style-sheets, you still need some old-fashioned engineering.

When you start building complex SOA applications, there will be a few key factors that you’ll see in larger systems, they are usually not addressed in current texts or documentation, they are complicated; but to really win with asynchronous solutions, you need to be able to

· Build State Machines
· Have Conversational patterns
· Realize how you can cluster aggregations and complex patterns
· Know when to transact and where it really doesn’t matter.

No matter what you plan to do in your enterprise integrations efforts, it is likely you'll at the very least peak at an ESB solution. To really achieve results while using an ESB you need to start building

  • Modular
  • Stable
  • Cluster capable
  • State driven
  • Conversational
  • Effectively aggregating
  • Transactionally safe
  • Correctly utilizing EE
  • Asynchronous message driven