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GitHub Copilot Deep Dive

Tuesday, 9:00 AM MDT - COTTON CREEK II

GitHub Copilot is a generative AI tool for coding that assists developer in writing code more efficiently and faster. This full-day course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the tool's capabilities and how to use it effectively in your day-to-day coding.

In this full-day class, we'll cover the basics of Copilot and provide you with hands-on experience through labs. You'll learn the what, why, and how of Copilot and see how to leverage its generative AI functionality in daily coding tasks across multiple languages. You'll also learn key techniques and best practices for working with Copilot.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to do the labs for this course, you must have a GitHub Copilot subscription. If you do not, you can log into GitHub, then go to and sign up (start free trial) before the course.

Workshop Requirements

This session is a workshop. Please come prepared.

Attendees will need a GitHub account, a browser, a subscription to the free Copilot trial, and the ability to run GitHub Codespaces if you want to use our pre-configured environment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to do the labs for this course, you must have a GitHub Copilot subscription. If you do not, you can log into GitHub, then go to and sign up (start free trial) before the course.

Also, we will provide a way to run the environment for this and all tools using GitHub Codespaces. As long as you can use GitHub Codespaces, you should be all set. These are virtual environments that run on systems provided by GitHub/Azure and all functions can be accessed through the browser.

If you intend to use a corporate GitHub account, please make sure in advance that you can startup and run a GitHub Codespace with that account. You can log into GitHub and go to and start a new codespace from there to try this out. If you are not allowed via your company's policies to run Codespaces in GitHub, you will need to create/use a personal GitHub account. This will be using the public GitHub site

You will need a GitHub account and a browser. The use of Chrome is recommended since it seems to work better with copy/paste functionality within Codespaces.

If you prefer, you can install Copilot on another environment/IDE. But we will not be providing directions and support for that in the workshop. Some operations may not work on your local system depending on the setup. The labs will be setup for the custom Codespace environment.

About Brent Laster

Brent Laster

Hi, I'm Brent Laster - a global trainer and book author, experienced corporate technology developer and leader, and founder and president of Tech Skills Transformations LLC. I've been working with and presenting at NFJS events for many years now and it is always exciting and interesting.

Through my decades in programming and management,I've always tried to make time to learn and develop both technical and leadership skills and share them with others Regardless of the topic or technology, my belief is that there is no substitute for the excitement and sense of potential that come from providing others with the knowledge they need to help them accomplish their goals.

In my spare time, I hang out with my wife Anne-Marie, 4 children and 2 small dogs in Cary, North Carolina where I design and conduct trainings and write books. You can find me on LinkedIn (, Twitter (@brentclaster) or through my company's website at

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