A Book on C
Al Kelley e Ira Pohl - 1984-01-01
A Brief Linux Glossary for Windows Users
IBM - 2000-06-30
Acq Notes
Acrónimos y términos de la ICANN
ICANN - 2018-01-01
Advanced Methods in Computer-Aided Design
Carleton University - N. Holtz - 1996-12-07
APL/1100 System
Sperry Univac - 1974-10-02
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Policy Paper
Internetsociety - 2017-04-01
Artificial Intelligence Glossary
Stottler Henke - 2017-01-01
Artificial Intelligence Techniques: A Comprehensive Catalog
Alan Bundy (ed.) - 1997-01-01
Artificial Intelligence Vocabulary
Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin - Gordon S. Novak Jr. - 2005-01-01
ATIS Telecom Glossary
ATIS - ATIS Committee PRQC - 2016-01-01
Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Donald R. Glass - 2003-02-01
Manel Medina y Mercè Molist - 2015-05-01
Cloud Computing Glossary
CloudTimes - 2016-10-15
Common User Access - Advance Interface Design Guide
IBM - 1989-06-01
N.Wirth - 1990-01-01
Computer Dictionary
Microsoft - 2002-01-01
Cybersecurity Fundamentals Glossary
ISACA - 2016-01-01
Cybersecurity Glossary
NICCS - National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies - 2022-07-06
Data Security Standard
Payment Card Industry - 2016-04-01
Diccionario ATM
Data Communications - 1997-12-01
Dictionary for Information Systems
American National Standard for Information Systems - 1991-01-01
Dictionary of Computers
The Penguin - Anthony Chandor - 1985-01-01
Dictionary of Internetworking Terms and Acronyms
CISCO - 2003-11-27
Electronic Engineering Dictionary
Interfacebus.com - Larry Davis - 2012-01-04
International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC - 2019-01-01
ESA Software Engineering and Standardisation
ESA - 2009-07-20
FOLDOC - Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
Denis Howe - 1985-01-01
Fundamentos de los Sistemas Operativos
A.M.Lister - 1986-01-01
Yova Turnes - 2018-01-01
Glosario de Informática - I
Pere Marquès - 2002-12-03
Glosario de Informática - II
Guido J. Pace - 2003-01-01
Glosario de internet
Universidad de Córdoba - 1996-08-28
Glosario de términos de ciberseguridad
INCIBE - 2017-01-01
Glosario de términos de la V encuesta de recursos informáticos y tecnológicos
ONGEI - 2004-01-01
Glosario de términos de seguridad de las TI
Alberto Ribagorda Garnacho - 1997-04-01
Glosario Gráfico
Gustavo Sánchez Muñoz - 2012-01-01
Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative - 2017-03-01
Glossary Anixter
Anixter - 1989-01-01
Glossary of Computer System Software Development Terminology
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - 2014-11-25
Glossary Of Computerized System And Software Development Terminology
FDA - 1998-11-23
Glossary of Defense Acquisition Acronyms and Terms
Department of Defense - 2016-01-06
Glossary of information warfare terms
Ivan K. Goldberg - 2005-03-05
Glossary of Internet Terminology
Cscape - 1999-09-14
Glossary of Internet Terms
Matisse Enzer - 2003-04-21
Glossary of Object Oriented Terms
J.E. Akin - 2001-01-01
Glossary of Security Terms
SANS - 2004-10-12
Glossary of Software Engineering Terms
Digital Publications LLC - 2005-01-01
Glossary of Terms - Campus Data Network
UC Berkeley - 1996-04-10
Glossary, Acronyms and Abbreviations
ITU - 2007-08-28
GS1 glossary
GS1 - 2016-01-01
Guía completa de la Tipografía
C. Perfect - 1994-01-01
Guide to Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations
BYTE - 1995-01-01
Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems - Special Publication 800-94
National Institute of Standards and Technology - Computer Security Division - Karen Scarfone, Peter Mell - 2017-02-01
Guideline For Lifecycle Validation, Verification, and Testing of Computer Software
Federal Information Processing Standards - 1983-01-01
Mercè Molist Ferrer - 2015-01-01
Handbook of Industrial Robotics
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - Shimon Y. Nof - 2007-11-29
Hispasec - Una al día
ICANN Acronyms and Terms
ICANN - 2018-01-01
IEEE Glossaries
IEEE - 2012-01-01
IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology
IEEE - 1990-09-28
IEEE Standards Collection, Software Engineering
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc. - 1994-01-01
Image Glossary
Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative - 2021-10-19
Information technology - Cloud computing - Overview and vocabulary
ISO/IEC - ISO/IEC 17788 - 2014-10-15
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems
ISO/IEC - ISO/IEC TR 18053 - 2000-07-15
Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems
ISO/IEC - ISO/IEC 27000 - 2018-02-01
Information technology — Vocabulary — Biometrics
ISO/IEC - ISO/IEC 2382-37 - 2017-02-01
Information technology — Vocabulary — Learning, education and training
ISO/IEC - ISO/IEC 2382-36 - 2013-01-01
Inteligencia Artificial
Y. Shiray y J. Tsujii - 1987-04-01
Internet Domain Survey
ISC - 1995-01-01
Internet para las PYMES
3Com -
Internet Security Glossary - RFC4949
IETF - Network Working Group - 2007-08-01
Internet Slang
Internet Users' Glossary - RFC1983
IETF - Network Working Group - 1996-08-01
ITU Telecommunication Terminology Database (TERMITE)
ITU - 2010-06-22
ITU Terms and Definitions
ITU - 2010-06-22
Jon Postel
University of Southern California - Information Sciences Institute - 1998-10-01
Lenguajes de programación de robots industriales. Del Control Numérico a los Frameworks Robóticos
Fernando Comíns Tello - 2018-12-01
Los algoritmos y la resolución automática de problemas
Editorial MIR - B.A. Trajtenbrot - 1977-01-01
MAEC 5.0 Specification Vocabularies
Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization - 2017-10-09
MIL-STD-882E Military Standard Practice for System Safety
Department of Defense, USA, Standard Practice - 2012-05-11
Mobility Related Terminology
The Internet Society - Network Working Group - RFC3753 - J. Manner, M. Kojo - 2004-06-01
National Information Assurance Glossary
CNSS - 2003-05-01
Network Definitions
CCO Company - 1999-08-09
Open Web Application Security Project
OWASP Foundation - 2018-03-28
PCI Data Security Standard Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms
PCI Security Standards Council - 2016-04-01
People of the W3C
W3C - 2001-10-24
Personajes importantes de la Historia de la Informática
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática - Daniel Girela Sarrión, Daniel Martín Chacón y Noel Merchán Álvarez - 2006-01-01
Power C
Mix Software - 1993-01-01
Principales hitos de la Red
Tesis doctoral - Andreu Beà Baró - 2002-05-01
Programación en lenguaje C
Herbert Schildt - 1993-01-01
Red Temática Iberoamericana de Criptografía y Seguridad de la Información
CriptoRed - 1998-12-01
Request for Comments (RFC)
IETF Working Group -
RFC Traducidos
Grupo de Traducción de RFC al español - 2001-01-01
RIPE Document Library
RIPE NCC - 2015-07-16
Kawasaki Robotics - 2018-01-01
Robotics Engineering Glossary
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy - 2016-01-01
Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 1 - ISO 10218-1:2011
ISO - 2011-01-01
Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 2 - ISO 10218-2:2011
ISO - 2011-01-01
Security Glossary
NIST - Computer Security Resource Center - 2020-02-01
Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
IANA.ORG - Joe Touch - 2016-03-04
Sistemas Operativos
A.S. Tanenbaum - 1988-01-01
Doris Appleby - 1992-01-01
Software engineering glossary
CERN - 1997-07-13
Software Engineering Terminology
Software Languages Lab Department of Computer Science of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Tom Mens - 2004-12-01
SSOG 102 - Glosario, definiciones y abreviaturas del sistema de satélites
SSOG - Satellite System Operations Guide - 1992-08-06
Standard glossary of terms used in Software Engineering
International Qualifications Board for Business Analysis - 2011-09-10
SWGDE and SWGIT Digital & Multimedia Evidence Glossary
SWGDE/SWGIT - 2006-01-13
Telephony Definitions
CCO Company - 1999-08-07
Teoría de lenguajes, gramáticas y autómatas
Manuel Alfonseca Moreno - 1987-01-01
Terminology Pocket Guide
AVX Corporation - 2005-08-12
The C Programming Language
B.W. Kernigham y D.M.Ritchie - 1978-01-01
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
Denis Howe 1985 - Denis Howe - 2016-03-07
The Industrial Internet of Things Vocabulary Technical Report
Industrial Internet Consortium - 2019-11-06
The Jargon File, Version 2.6.2
The Language List
University of Kansas - Bill Kinnersley - 1995-01-23
The Language of Knowledge
Delphi Group - 1998-01-01
The Open Web Application Security Project
OWASP Foundation - 2015-05-01
The Original Hacker's Dictionary
The Prolog Dictionary
Bill Wilson - 1998-01-01
The Unofficial Smiley Dictionary
David W. Sanderson - 1997-03-01
Urban Dictionary
Utilización y programación de ordenadores en tiempo real
J. Martin - 1998-01-01
Validation, Verification, and Testing of Computer Software
National Bureau of Standards - 1981-01-01
Vocabulario de ordenadores e Internet
José Antonio Millán - 2003-01-01
Web Services Glossary
W3C - W3C Working Group - 2004-02-11
Who's Who in the Internet - RFC 1251
IETF - Working Group - 1991-08-01
Year 2000 Information
Microsoft TechNet - 1999-11-22