Troy Hunt: I've Joined the 1Password Board of Advisers Mastodon

I've Joined the 1Password Board of Advisers

Almost a decade ago now, I wrote what would become one of my most career-defining blog posts: The Only Secure Password is the One You Can't Remember. I had come to the realisation that I simply had too many accounts across too many systems to ever have any chance of creating decent unique passwords I could remember. So, I set out to find a password manager and 10 Christmas holidays ago now, I spent the best 50 bucks ever:

I chose 1Password way back then and without a shadow of a doubt, it has become one of the most important pieces of software I have ever used. Since that date in 2011, I doubt there's been a single day I haven't used 1Password to log into a website, fill in my credit card details or refer to other notes stored securely within the product. In fact, just thinking about the frequency with which I use the password manager, I must have interacted with 1Password in one way or another tens of thousands of times now. So, I've just kept buying it:

I've been buying the Families Plan because 1Password isn't just for me, it's for everyone and what better time to start learning about securing your online assets than as early as possible:

1Password has been a part of my family for years so my announcement today comes with much excitement: I'm becoming a part of the 1Password family and joining their board of advisers! I'll be devoting a slice of my time to help the company build even better products and services in an era when password management has never been more important. I'll be talking more about the work we're doing together over time but for now, I'm just happy to be joining a great team building important software that makes a meaningful difference to so many people 😊

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Hi, I'm Troy Hunt, I write this blog, create courses for Pluralsight and am a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals