I still remember clearly, the phone call i received from my friend (schoolmate) who asked me for a favour. I was stunned and speechless when i heard it…she requested for me to deliver a speech on her wedding day. And seriously my immediate respond was “No Way”.
I told syauQi about it, and as expected he was making fun of it instead of being supportive, siap cakap hokey “nanti u kasi speech, i sorok bawah meja tau!”, “ish u berani ker, tak malu ker?” after i bising suruh die jadi supportive skit…trus bertukar “okay…nanti u bgtau i `which part of the speech u want ppl to laugh, meant to be funny,…then i start gelak lah”.
I really didnt want to do it, but after few phone call from my fren, i started to chnage my mind. I was supposed to feel honoured that she chose me…hihi
Anyway, this was how i end my speech:
We’ve come a long way now, old friend. We’ve gone past those horrid and reliably unflattering ‘tudung sekolah’ and moved on to bigger things in life. But still, you have been my constant and given me strength. You always made time for me despite becoming an unexpected workaholic and ultimately, just cared.
Surprisingly, Even when I became a mummy, she was consulted for parenting advice. No doubt she has no children of her own, but a major role was played in raising her niece, Ira. And most often, my questions are solved. Oh yes, she did helped a lot!
Now for the memories we have shared and for the ones that we are yet to make, (Alongside the genuine wish of happily ever after). Here’s also a message to the bride:
You’ve the experience under your sleeves,
And you provided answer to my parenting woes,
Now that you’re married,
How about having a baby of your own?
My babies needs playmate,
And I know you wont’t let them down.
So may I add ASAP?
To Azmi, I hope you know that you’ve been trusted with one of the most precious gifts Allah has given me and may Allah also grant you happiness and more ‘rezeki’ soon.
Al-hamdulillah, few months after the wedding, she told me the, good news, she was pregnant. And end of last month, she gave birth to a beautiful baby gal, Iva Afiqah.

Congratulations to my friend Ina and her husband Azmi =)
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