travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Top 5 college football towns in the US

    Playing sports is a healthy and fun activity, but if you’re not athletically inclined, there’s something else you can do: watch sports! And we’re not talking about sitting in front of the TV couch-potato style, but actually traveling to see some exciting games.

    College football is fun because you can cheer for the team of your old alma mater, or for some relative who’s on the team, or just for no reason at all! The main point is to get into that state of excitement and expectation that results from watching a good game. So if you feel like watching some good football games, here’s a list of the top 5 college football towns in the US.

  • Top 5 hottest clubs in Los Angeles

    One of the first things that come in mind when thinking of Los Angeles is Hollywood, of course, and the many celebrities who live and work here. When it comes to entertainment of all kinds, there’s no better place than LA. Hot weather, incredible beaches, all the shops you can dream of and a great cultural life too. But one of the strongest points of LA is its nightlife, which is on par with any  nightlife capital in the world. So here is what we consider the top 5 clubs in Los Angeles. Enjoy!

  • First Time Travel – Packing Wisely

    Amateur travelers are easy to spot in a foreign country, you will find them dragging a huge backpack or a suitcase that is bright colored. These luggage are usually bigger than their body, they are dressed in fashionable journey equipment. It is obvious by their appearance that they have visited the latest adventure gear store. They wear the most expensive trekking shoes always.

    This is not the way to pack the backs for adventure travel. You should keep in mind that exploration during your holidays means comfort.

  • First Time Adventure Travel – Packing Wisely

    For first time travelers, packing wisely can be very confusing.
    Amateur travelers are easy to spot in a foreign country, you will find them dragging a huge backpack or a suitcase that is bright colored and filled with far more than they need.

    This luggage is usually bigger than their body, they are dressed in fashionable journey equipment. It is usually obvious by their appearance that they have visited the latest adventure gear store. They usually wear the most expensive trekking shoes and haven’t yet taken the time to break them in, so they may be limping from the blisters that come with new shoes.

  • Best after-Christmas holiday destinations

    Christmas is over, and many amateur travelers are still enjoying their holidays somewhere in the sun or maybe at a ski resorts, some of us probably haven’t had the chance to go on a trip yet. But just because you had some time off to pamper yourself during the holiday, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go on a trip too, especially if you stayed at home for Christmas.

    Another good reason for traveling after the holiday are the deals – now that most people have traveled to their heart’s content, some travel companies will lower their prices to attract more customers. So here are the best after-Christmas holiday destinations for anyone who feels like traveling in January.

  • Top 5 hottest clubs in New York City

    It’s a well know fact that any reasonably large city in the US has an exciting nightlife, but in the true American metropolises like New York, the party scene will blow your mind. New York is a city where you can find something to do, no matter what your hobbies are. You can visit museums, walk in parks, eat ethnic food and go to concerts.

    The nightlife in the Big Apple is as varied as can be, and you are guaranteed to find a place where you’ll happily dance or lounge the night away. So for all the potential nightclubbers heading to NYC, here’s our top 5 hottest clubs in New York City.

  • 5 Budget Travel Destinations



    The top 5 budget travel destinations are argued, but there is no arguement that these are five of the best places you can visit in midst of rising prices.

    1. Bangladesh
    Bangladesh is one of the cheapest places to travel in the world. You can get great meals for a very cheap price (below $1) and hotel rooms are also inexpensive. Sunderbans National Park is the must visit place in Bangladesh, you will pay around $150 for a tiger viewing tour in this park, but the price is still cheaper than other places such as India.

  • Adventure travel in Borneo

    If you are thinking of traveling to Borneo, pack a pair of sturdy boots, because you have a lot of ground to cover. Borneo is a big island, the third largest in the world, actually, and it is shared among three different countries: Brunei,  Malaysia and Indonesia.

    There are interesting places in all the three regions of the island, so regardless of whether you’re heading to Brunei, East Malaysia or Kalimantan, you won’t find yourself without things to do. And since this is one of the most exotic places on earth, sitting in a hotel room is absolutely out of the questions. Here is some basic information about adventure travel in Borneo.

  • Top 5 winter festivals in 2011

    Carnaval de Quebec

    The month of December is almost over, but there is still plenty let of winter in case you haven’t managed to do any winter activities yet. One of the best things about winter, in addition to the holidays and the winter sports, are the festivals.

    Evey country has its winter festivals, and while they all originate from different traditions and customs, they all have one thing in common: their main goal is to allow people to have fun. So prepare yourself with a mug for mulled wine and good cheer, and enjoy the top 5 winter festivals in 2011.

  • Top 5 hottest clubs in Miami


    Miami skyline


    Those of you who don’t particularly like the winter cold have probably already started looking for an escape, even if for a few days or weeks only. Luckily, there are enough places in the world where there are sunny beaches all year round, and where you can take refuge when you get tired of all the snow and rain.

    Miami is one of these great places with neverending summer, and nevereinding fun too. There are some amazing nightclubs in Miami, you just have to know where to look for them. So for all the party-loving travelers heading to Miami, here are the top 5 hottest clubs in Miami.

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