But Other Than That

…everything was on the up and up!

9 thoughts on “But Other Than That”

  1. Very good list.

    My own opinion, ever since that night, is the most glaring issue is the sheer number of votes. If I’ve got my facts right, the turnout percentage was the highest in presidential election history. In the middle of a pandemic.

    That is just one issue I have with the 2016 election. The list at the second link covers a lot of the rest. Hence, I’ve long said that we don’t really know who won.

    1. That is just one issue I have with the 2016 2020 election.

      FTFY, although it would have been helpful if Hillary had worn a mask in 2016…

      1. OOPS! yep, I meant 2020.

        However, I have issues with the 2016 election too. For example, Hillary’s margin in New Hampshire was tiny, and probably created by the thousands of bussed-in voters from Massachusetts. That’s election fraud, and I have massive issues with it. I consider Trump partially to blame, because he didn’t challenge the New Hampshire results. Had he done so, it might have set some useful precedents for 2020 and beyond.

        1. And in Arizona, hundreds of thousands of Fake Ballots bussed in from Runbeck, no chain of custody, no signature verification.

          1. I haven’t heard that one, and didn’t get any relevant hits when I looked. Runbeck seems to both print some ballots, and do some data management.

            I can sure seen why they’re controversial though; they actually count ballots (they’re hired as a contractor) in Maricopa County (Phoenix area), for an insane reason; so the count can be done fast. That’s stupid on many levels; it wastes money, plus opens up a potential security risk, for no actual reason (there’s no real need for same-day results, so taking a couple of days would be just fine).

        2. Where are the images of these Mythical busses at the polling locations? I crossed that border that day and NO I didn’t vote in the state I didn’t live in and I saw no busses. The margin was big enough that for it to make a difference it had to be 40 busses.


          Now how NH rules were college students living in the dorms qualified to vote in state.

          Everyone here be sure to vote on January 5th.

      1. Yup.
        I find that rather glaring, because the reasoning of those that dismiss it appears to be: “In 2020, we had two massively unpopular candidates (both had vastly lower approval ratings than usual, the only comparable election being 2016). So, faced with such lackluster candidates, voters flocked to the polls (or mailed the ballots in) with a turnout rate higher than ever seen before, and did so in a pandemic.

        I find that highly unconvincing.

        I’ll be suspicious regarding voter fraud in the coming election, no matter who wins. There were, after all, massive problems in 2020, with voter fraud on BOTH sides of the aisle (For those unaware, a Republican member of congress lost his seat due to using the ballot-harvesting fraud method, so his election was overturned.) So, neither side should be above suspicion.

  2. Was it stolen, or was it fixed?

    It’s an old urban (Democrat) machine tradition to know who will win an election before it takes place, and maybe touch things up a bit if it appears that the voters aren’t fully cooperating. But most of the time, the criminal activity takes place before polling starts, and the fixers at least try to hide what they are doing.

    An election is stolen when the results aren’t the desired ones, so the vote counters “fortify” the results. That’s when suddenly ballots appear out of car trunks and forgotten ballot boxes, when there’s 110% turnout, mostly favoring a particular candidate, or each recounting goes on until one candidate finally has a majority (see Gregoire/Rossi, Wash. 2004). The stealers don’t care if you know what they’re up to, because they know there’s very little that can be done until well after the candidates are installed, if at all.

    It appears 2020 was intended to be a fixed election, but the Democrats discovered on election day that all their preparations weren’t enough. So they just went to stealing it outright.

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