(8) The effect-on-system (EOS) codes are used to highlight the subsystem
when a system is NMC because an authorized subsystem is not on-hand. List the
requisition number for the subsystem on the back of the DA Form 2406 and ask the
supporting United States (US) Army Materiel Command (AMC) logistics assistance
office (LAO) for assistance with the requisition. The EOS codes are reported to provide
information on those subsystems which most often fail and cause the system to be NMC.
The EOS codes provide critical data to materiel managers about persistent, recurring equipment
problems which should be focused on and fixed. They are listed as part of the data
supplied in Appendix B-2 of AR 700-138.
h. Preparation of DA Form 2406. Refer to figure 1-11.
Figure 1-11. DA Form 2406, blocks 1 through 8.
Block 1, Period of report.
(a) Enter the beginning and ending Julian dates of the reporting period, for
example, From: 4107, To: 4136. Ensure the "To" date is greater than the "From" date.
(b) Ensure quarterly reports submitted by USAR and ARNG units are
always either a 90-, 91-, or 92-day inclusive period.
(c) Ensure the periods of monthly reports for active units are always
either 28, 29, 30, or 31 days.
(2) Block 2, Date prepared. By entering the Julian date when the report was
completed, for example, 4137.
(3) Block 3, Utilization code. Use the utilization code or codes for the parent
unit making the report as shown in figure 1-12, for example, zero.
(4) Block 4a, Page no. Fill in the number of the page you are on. Start with
page 1 and number the pages sequentially, for example, one.