Divide by Zero Fonts

[How To] [FAQ] [Legal]

This is a collection of TrueType fonts which I've created for fun. You can use them for free to do anything you want, you just can't take the fonts and resell them (on a CD, for instance). Read the license if you're not sure what this means.

Enjoy these fonts, and maybe leave a comment on my blog if you find them useful! Don't forget the FAQ, download/install help page. You can also check out the historic Fontmaking Tutorial and Old News. Unfortunately, t-shirts are sold out, but there may be more some day.

fonts 98-infinity
fonts 93-97

 14 Jan 2005

I made a new font after a really long break. It is called, "Hockey is Lif." You can grab it at from Fonts 98-infinity.

Since the last time we spoke, I've been up to a lot of other fun projects (like my PhD!) How about looking at my novel or second novel or new puzzle game? (As always, check out Tom 7 Radar to see what I'm up to.)

- Tom 7

message board

all the fonts in one zip
Click this to get all of the fonts in one zip.

Please check out the rest of my web page! There's way more cool stuff, I promise.

A button to
link with!