Well, I guess me coming back from a blogging break didn't stick as here we are months later😞😞 Life just seems to get busier and blogging has taken a back seat to everything else. That's just how it has to be right now, but I do want to pop in at least sometimes to keep documenting our lives - that is the reason I started this blog in the first place!
Anyway, let's see, I guess we should start with summer - the kids all ended school and we were ready to have a super fun summer! Avery would be off to Kindergarten in the fall (which of course has already happened) and I wanted to make the most of it!
Probably the biggest thing that happened this summer was we got a pool!!!!!! It was an excited/stressful/pain in the butt process but in the end, totally worth it! Our June was pretty crummy so having the pool finished in early July was perfect timing! The weather turned gorgeous and we swam so so much!! We had friends over constantly and made some fabulous summer memories!
Brayden's first year with travel baseball came to an end and it was such an awesome experience!! we cannot wait for next season already!
We enjoyed the 4th of July over at Ricks brothers house - it ended up being a really nice day!
Brayden turned 9 and we had a fun party at the house with his friends - they played kickball, swam, ate tons of pizza and had gaterade chugging contests, boys!!
All 3 went to vacation bible camp this summer and had alot of fun! they had a cute little performance at the end of the week
We went to tons of shows at the library and hit up the local splash pads with friends!
Avery turned 5 and I still can't believe my BABY is 5!!! She is so darn cute and spunky, I could eat her up
We went on our annual family vacation to Traverse City, MI and had the best time! some great memories were made
When we got home, Avery had her friend birthday party - Little Mermaid theme of course because she is obsessed :)
and before you knew it, school was starting again!! first was for the bigs (kinder starts a week later at our school) - I was so emotional with them on their first day! I always offer to drive on the first day and they said yes, so off to school it was
Avery was so sad to see her siblings leave her!!
and then it was Miss A's turn! I asked her if she wanted me to drive her like I always do for the others and she said nope, I want to ride the bus!!! she was so excited for that bus! As soon as she got on and left, I started bawling! It didn't last too long because I had a mom date with my other friends whose babies were also starting kinder!
We went to our towns Labor Day fest and parade and it was a great way to end Summer!

and then it was time for Ella to turn 7!!! crazy having all their birthdays in a row but also lots of fun! We had the cutest painting party which I hope to do a separate blog post on!
I will end it there before this post becomes way too long!! Our summer was pretty low key but also so fun and memorable at the same time. I really do consider myself so lucky that I get to be home. Of course it has it's challenges but I would not trade it for anything!!