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Scada Water Treatment

Scada Water Treatment

Water Treatment Plant Monitoring Normally the Managers of Operation and Maintenance of water treatment utilities monitor levels in service reservoirs fed by the transmission system and also monitor the water...


 Purpose Of  Sedimentation Sedimentation is a unit operation to settle out the suspended particles and flocs in water. Sedimentation water treatment is achieved by lowering the velocity of the water below...
Water Quality

Water Quality

Some medical instrumentation, Surgery, Dental, Pharmacy Lab etc., using Deionized or Distillation process to get their required water quality. They are recommended for below 10...
Water Treatment Filtration

Water Treatment Filtration

Reverse Osmosis water treatment filtration Electrolysis water treatment filtration Deionized ions water treatment filtration Multistage flash water treatment filtration Evaporation process water...
Test for Residual Chlorine

Test for Residual Chlorine

Water Analysis for Chlorine The amount of residual chlorine left in the chlorinated water after the required contact period, can be experimentally determined by using any of the following tests: Orthotolidine...


Hypochlorinators The simplest method of continuous chlorination of water supply systems for a water flow of less than 200 Lpm is by the use of a hypochlorinator. Hypochlorinators are motor driven pumps which...


Types of chemical disinfectants containing chlorine are hypochlorite, chloramines, and chlorine-dioxide. Hypochlorites Instead of using chlorine gas, some plants apply chlorine to water as a hypochlorite,...
Efficiency of Softening

Efficiency of Softening

In addition to raw water characteristics, the operation of the softener can influence efficiency of softening. The most important factors in softener are resin, flow, and cleaning. Both the resin type and...
Oper & Main of Pumps and Plumbing station

Oper & Main of Pumps and Plumbing station

Operation and Maintenance of Pumps and Pumping Stations The preventive maintenance procedures related to pumps and pumping stations are listed below: i. Inspect pump station daily to Determine pump condition,...
Rapid Sand Filters

Rapid Sand Filters

Water Treatment Sand Filter The Rapid Sand Filter (RSF) water treatment equipment differs from the Slow Sand Filter water treatment equipment in a variety of ways, the most important of which are the much...