
Showing posts with label scrapbook ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrapbook ideas. Show all posts
I made each new section of the scrapbook a particular color- community service was green (of course)

Buttons + pearls + rhinestones + ribbons + patterned cardstock

community service cover page

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A few years ago I spent an exorbitant amount of time crafting together a scrapbook for an organization I was a part of in college. I had a lot of help and inspiration, and I wanted to remember all of that effort by posting pages from the scrapbook on this blog. Unfortunately, I didn't finish getting pictures of the scrapbook before I left, but I am trying to track down the scrapbook and hope to keep the memories of what was a really big part of my college life on this blog through posts on the scrapbook.

Until I can hopefully very soon borrow the scrapbook for a little bit (it's technically the organization's), I have a few pages I never got around to posting.

Here's a page dedicated to the most important meal(s?) of the day: brunch.

the most important meal(s?) of the day

Monday, May 5, 2014

I apologize for being slightly off schedule this week with my posts. Quite a few people have told me I should sleep as much as I can and watch TV as much as possible to get it all out of my system before school starts, so I am trying to do just that!

Here's a page out of my scrapbook I made for a group lunch:

I handmade the burger and fries! Everything is cardstock except for the cheese and fries. I used a white pen to outline the tomato details to give it a little extra something. So much better than paying $5 for these at a craft store, just takes 10 minutes!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Back to the scrapbook, here's a page for the Superbowl viewing party from this year

Embossed lettering on a ribbon of the teams playing this year


Thursday, June 7, 2012

A dinner to kick off the new semester!

welcome dinner

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This page was for an ice skating social.

 the snow was pulled-apart cotton balls with glitter on top

ice skating

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This page was the one I was most proud of because the idea just came to me when I was laying in bed one night. I didn't look up any how-to's and since I think I'm the first (that I know of) to come with it, perhaps I will make a how-to on it in the future!

This event was a bowling social. Using a wooden stick, tape, glue, and advanced engineering (just kidding), I was able to create a moving bowling ball (GASP) in/on my scrapbook page!

a bit crafty engineering

Friday, May 18, 2012

the rolling pin stamp

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This page from the scrapbook was easily my favorite. I posted quite a few pictures of it- just for the full effect! I did a pop up plus a little something extra that I actually came up with kind of on accident.

pop up + more

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This was a welcome dinner held for new students/freshmen. This is one of my favorite pages from the scrapbook, only because of the rhinestone lettering in bubbles that says "welcome fish". Also, the background paper used was textured and that was just too much awesomeness to handle in public at Hobby Lobby so I had to get it.

fish/freshman dinner

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Finally going to start the most entertaining part of the scrapbook- socials!

socials cover page

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The last of the educational events!

black + white + purple

Monday, May 7, 2012

I wish I could use this chevron paper as wallpaper!

i love chevron patterns

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Another pop-up page on a lecture on Malcolm X's life

The little rhinestone flowers were marked 4 for $0.01 at Michael's! I think someone marked them wrong. So each flower cost $0.0025. Awesome. The lettering was embossed with a metallic purple powder.

malcolm x

Thursday, April 19, 2012

An educational event was an awareness month for a particular topic. This is the cover page for a collection of 4-5 educational events.

Pre-cut swirled paper was bought from a craft store ($1.99/page, got it for $1 with a coupon). I then embossed a swirly flowery stamp with dark purple powder. Of course, die-cut flowers were a necessity.

purple swirls

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Here's the next section page for educational events that were a part of the organization I'm in.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My friend created the pizzas on these pages!

pizza pizza pizza

Friday, April 6, 2012

Splitting up our events into categories and explaining the importance of each aspect tied the book together well. Each category was color-coordinated, making it easier to group things.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

These pages contain the mission statement of the organization and the table of contents. This page was also the debut of the pop-up design I attempted for the first time from a tutorial I found online! The pop-up was a little complicated at first, especially with placing it in the book with page protectors, but an Xacto knife saved the day(s).

 mission statement with part of pop-up on top right

table of contents outlining our events' categories with the other part of the pop-up in the top left

 the pop-up was a view of the biggest buildings/landmarks on campus. It was inserted into the middle so that as you flipped the page, the pop-up automatically popped up instead of having to mess with anything.

pop-up tutorial taken from:

mission statement & table of contents

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
