I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. #WalgreensOlogy
I came home from California Saturday night, took one look around my apartment and declared the jig was up! No more cluttered shelves, no more cupboards haphazardly crammed with tupperware, no more socks in my pajama drawer. It was time to clean up, organize, get myself a healthy home.
I've been feeling this way for a few months. I've heard it described as this really weird term, "nesting." I'm not exactly sure what that term means and I know nothing about nests, but I do know that the clutter and random stuff everywhere is slowly driving my descent into madness.
And so, starting this week, it's project "Free Yourself" at my apartment- freeing myself from clutter and junk and the stress that comes with it. Am I the only one that gets majorly stressed out when my home isn't in order? I blame my mom for this one, who never let us leave anywhere unless the house was clean.
I'm tackling one project a day- starting with the laundry room shelves today. I will also tackle the fridge, the pantry, Greg's side of the closet, then my side of the closet (two days for closet!), my bedroom drawers, the bins we have set aside for all things baby. All things must be organized! Wiped down! Cleaned out! Spring cleaning here we come!
How weird is it that I am totally stoked to do this... genuinely looking forward to coming home from work each day, throwing on my sweats, and going to town on the clutter in my apartment?
The first stop for my "free myself" from clutter project was Walgreens, naturally. Walgreens is my go to stop when I don't want to become overwhelmed. The store is small enough that I can easily walk through and grab anything I need without becoming too overwhelmed, while at the same time giving me a great selection.
I was excited to try out Walgreens' new line, Ology. Next time you're at Walgreens, be sure to pick up some of their products. They are free from harmful chemicals and the paper products (toilet paper and paper towels) are 100% tree free. I always want to buy products that are better for me and for the environment without all the harmful chemicals, but usually I'm deterred by the price. I was so surprised and pleased to see that the Ology brand was still totally affordable while at the same time is friendly for our environment.
^^ Easy to find on the shelf, and easy to spot the brand.
^^For the laundry room.
^^ For cleaning my bathroom.
^^ For cleaning my kitchen.
^^ For cleaning myself- I just had to treat myself to new shampoo and conditioner!
For more on the Ology brand (available only at Walgreens) and why it is important to have not only a clean home, but a healthy home, click on this video.
Thanks to #WalgreensOlogy and #CollectiveBias for sponsoring today's discussion. Now it's time to get cleaning!