There's a lot of areas in my life where I feel an odd sort of satisfaction and contentment. I think I am allowing myself to be still more, something I haven't always thought was okay in the past. Currently making me happy these days...
Winter. It's really cold in Utah this year and we've already gotten a bunch of snow. I usually don't like winter, but this winter is just doing it for me. I love to wrap up in my sweaters and socks and beanies. I love coming home from work and eating soup and cuddling on the couch. I love that at night it's really cold when I get into bed so I have to cuddle up next to Greg for extra warmth. In the summer it's so dang hot that we practically never touch each other. I am very very very extroverted, yes, but this year I've learned there's a slice of introvert hiding in there too and it feels really good to be able to embrace that a little bit more. I feel like I should be more active in winter, but the truth is I just don't want to be outside in the cold. I'd rather wrap up and snuggle and watch some great tv. Which brings me to my next point...
TV Shows. January is a great time for TV. Have you noticed? There's a few shows that I have really really enjoyed watching lately
Making a Murderer. Like most of the world, I am fascinated by this show. Greg insists on watching it slowly because it makes him so mad that emotionally he can't handle more than one or two episodes in a sitting. We are four or five episodes in. (A few spoilers ahead... if you haven't watched skip to next paragraph!) I think what makes me the most mad of the whole thing is Brendan Dassey. My heart just goes out to him. I feel like his intellectual age is that of an 5 or 6 year old and that he just had no idea what was going on when the police questioned him. When he told his mom that he "guessed" what the cops wanted him to say because "that's how I do my homework" it absolutely broke my heart. (Also his first lawyer, Len. WORST HUMAN BEING IN THIS WORLD.)
The Bachelor. The best part about January, baby! I'm not watching tonight because Greg's at a rehearsal and I stupidly got him hooked to the show too. I mean, it wasn't stupid, I love watching it with him, but ain't nobody want to wait an extra day or two to watch their favorite show. Ben is the best bachelor of all time. My guess for the winner is either Lauren (flight attendant) or Celia... I can't remember her name. The really happy one who reminds me of Catherine from Sean's season. I think Becca from Chris's season will go far too. It's fun that she's back. Also, I know Mandy with the rose on her head is freaking crazy but I love her. She made me laugh out loud numerous times last week. Like when someone asked her how she's doing with that rose on her head and she said, "I feel like me and the rose are becoming one." I'd love to be friends with that girl!
Married at First Sight. If you haven't watched this show yet, you absolutely have to.
Aubrey first suggested it to me and there's no going back after you watch an episode. This is the third season that started airing a few weeks ago and Greg and I are hooked! Basically it's a social experiment where experts in spirituality, sex, emotional connections, etc, etc, etc, match two people up who would supposedly be a perfect marriage match. Those two people agree to get married on the spot and are to stick it out for at least six weeks to see if the marriage can work. At the end of six weeks they can get a divorce or decide to get married. It is absolutely fascinating. I think it airs on FYI or A&E or some random station like that. If any of you guys are watching it, we must discuss in the comments! Ashley drives me absolutely insane- I think she's the worst person they could have possibly chosen for the experiment. Greg thinks David is the issue, though, that he comes off way too strong. All I know is those two are a mess. And don't even get me started on Sam and Neil. Again, I think Neil is so great and Sam drives me crazy. Basically the guys they got this season are way better than the girls.
Jazz games. I don't know if this counts as a TV program, but Greg and I watch almost every Jazz game. We are both huge Jazz fans and it's fun watching the team develop and grow. The Jazz have had a ridiculous amount of injuries this year, but they're still fighting along and in contention for the playoffs. I feel like they fight their little guts out and I guess it's some weird metaphor that I can't quite figure out exactly. I mean, they just get injury after injury after injury and somehow they're still grinding it out every night and they're still in playoff contention. Go jazz.
The Mindy Project. Gotta love me some Mindy Lahiri. I haven't watched the last couple episodes but I heard they did kind of an unusual twist... excited to see what's up. I love Mindy and Danny as a couple and I love that it didn't get boring after they got together, as a lot of romantic comedies too. I feel like the show is actually more interesting and funnier with them as a couple than not.
The Blacklist. I admit, this one has fallen way down our list of priorities as we've been watching these other shows. We both enjoy this show, but I think the main character is driving me a little too crazy to keep watching through season 2. We'll see. We aren't
not watching the show, we're just not watching the show. If that makes sense.
Teen Mom OG. Okay, I know I am outing myself here for one of the trashiest things I watch, but I absolutely love Teen Mom. The newest season started last week and it's a little different because they show the cameras, the behind the scenes, the girls talking to the producers, etc. For a reality tv junkie like me, it is fascinating. This one I definitely watch alone as there ain't no way in the world I could talk Greg in to sitting through this me. It's my guilty pleasure and I looooove it. (Also if there is any one out there in the world brave enough to admit they watch this show, we must talk about Farrah!!!!)
Books. One of my goals for the new year and for taking care of myself better is to read more. Over Christmas Break I read JoJo Moyes'
One plus One which I enjoyed. I didn't like it as much as her other,
Me Before You, but I still liked it. I especially liked the main character and would recommend it to most people for a quick read as long as you're okay with a sex scene or two. (Insert monkey emoji covering eyes here.)
I am now re reading for Bon's Book Club
These is My Words. I absolutely love this book. It's written in the style of a diary so I feel like I'm flying through it. I've really enjoyed curling up in bed and reading this the past week or so. If you haven't read it yet, YOU NEED TO!
Danica and I are hosting online book club on January 28 here on this blog. Anyone is welcome to come and discuss. And if you're local we're holding an IN REAL LIFE book club in my home on January 26. I am so excited for this. Also slightly terrified.
My AP Lit class just started
Catcher in the Rye last week. I've probably read this book six or seven times. I absolutely love it and I get so excited far class because WE GET TO TALK ABOUT MY FAVORITE BOOK! I feel like I am in book heaven right now reading two of my very favorites. It's a great time to be a reader.
Bubble Baths. I always love a good bubble bath, but in the winter I probably take five or six baths a week. We have a huge bathtub ($3000 upgrade to our townhouse and I maintain my belief that it was the best $3000 I have ever spent!) and there isn't anything I love more after I put June down to soak in the tub with a candle, a diet coke, and a book.
Succulents. I know it's so blogger cliche, but I bought some succulents from IKEA and put them in my kitchen. I love how the green freshens and brightens up my home. It is the perfect dash of green next to my dirty dishes. Why haven't I done this in winters before?
Junie. June is at such a fun stage right now. Today she took all the spices out from the basket in the pantry, lined them up on our white rug in the living room, then took them all back and lined them back up on the pantry shelf. It's like WHAT? What is going on in your head, little child? She is our everything and watching her learn and discover the world is more rewarding than I ever thought possible. Before I had June people told me I would really love having a child. Turns out everybody was totally right.
Soups. This winter I've been making so many soups and I LOVE it. I saw
this cheese and potato soup recipe floating around facebook and I had to try it. It turned out even better than I thought it would- it was so easy (the hashbrowns idea is genius. No more cutting and peeling potatoes!) and so delicious. (The rosemary gave it an especially nice taste that we really liked.
I always love a classic
taco soup which I made last week- super easy, fills you up, and delicious. I use
this recipe from allrecipes. I also always top mine with sour cream, cheese and tortilla chips just because I like to make sure nothing is healthy.
And lastly, about a month ago I made borscht for the first time- a Russian soup with cabbage and beets. I know it doesn't sound too good, but don't knock it til you rock it! It has so many flavors and spices and it is absolutely delicious and extremely healthy. Greg LOVED this soup on his mission and always talks about it... with the help of my friend Sarah who is a Russia + Ukraine expert, (she even married a Ukranian!) I made my first successful batch. Greg couldn't believe I mastered it so quickly. (I'm like, please Greg, don't act like I'm not the best cook you've ever met). Here's
Sarah's recipe that I use... the only thing I do differently is that at the end I add a few tablespoons of vinegar and a few tablespoons of lemon juice. I think it's extra good with a little tang to it. I also add shredded chicken at the end (seasoned with salt and lemon pepper) because Greg doesn't believe it's a meal until there's meat. We all have our problems, people.
Alright ladies and gents, I think that's it for today. Basically this post was about how I like to stay in my house all winter long and read and watch tv and take baths and cook AND I MAKE NO APOLOGIES.
Oh, and if you missed yesterday's post I shared a coupon with all my blog readers for
Hey June. 25% off your entire order using code BLOG25. I know it's not much, but it's a small way I can say thank you for how totally awesome and supportive you all are. XOXO.