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Happy 17th, Angela!

 I love commemorating birthdays. Remembering the way my children have grown and developed over the course of a year. I told them I'd stop the photo shoots after their 18th birthdays, but I'm so glad I have their years marked here. That means that, for this precious daughter of mine, I have one more year! To say this has been a crazy year would definitely be an understatement. Much of what this amazing young lady loves has been shut down by the pandemic. Choir, PraiseWorks -- even taking the ACT!  And yes, the delay in taking the ACT was a huge disappointment for her. Ever since she took it with Olivia when she was in 8th grade (and Olivia was in 11th), she's been looking forward to taking it when it counted. We told her that would be April of her sophomore year. If we'd said February, she would have been fine. But April? No such luck! July ended up being the winner, though, and she actually came out of the test energized and bouncy! Yes, that's our beautiful nerd fo...

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