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September 2024

  • Richard &amp; Kirstin bed feet -009<br>GettyImages-482913205

    The modern mind
    Overcoming porn addiction requires time and effort, but the reward is a better sex life

    Ahona Guha
  • Callum Robinson and his father David, seen at Beecraigs Sawmill, Beecraigs Country Park, Linlithgow, Scotland UK 14/08/2024 © COPYRIGHT PHOTO BY MURDO MACLEOD All Rights Reserved Tel + 44 131 669 9659 Mobile +44 7831 504 531 Email: STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY See details at No syndication, no redistribution. A22U4Y, sgealbadh, A22R4S

    Self and wellbeing
    Learning carpentry from my father helped make me the person I am

  • Image of deep-sea anglerfish

    How to build a better life
    Do you dream of becoming one with your partner? The deep-sea anglerfish shows how badly that can end

  • Illustration: Michael Towers/The Guardian

    The Audio Long Read
    ‘A diagnosis can sweep away guilt’: the delicate art of treating ADHD – podcast

  • Self and wellbeing
    ‘For me, the wig was the key’: how I defied family expectations to become a criminal barrister

  • Rise against fascism
    We each have a Nazi in us. We need to understand the psychological roots of authoritarianism

    Gabor Maté
  • Leading questions
    I am falling for an amazing woman who is a flat-earther. Can I reconcile my diminishing respect?

  • How we survive
    ‘They’d ask me: “Do you want to die today?”’ How I was kidnapped by pirates – and rescued by US Navy Seals

  • The ‘staggering’ rise in childhood anxiety is not a mental health crisis

  • Self and wellbeing
    ‘Why did I hurt?’ A writer on grieving the father she never really knew

  • Notes and queries
    Readers reply: What is the evolutionary purpose of blushing?

  • Philosophy professor Jeffrey J Kripal: ‘Thinking about a UFO as some kind of extraterrestrial spaceship is naive’

  • Ask Philippa
    I find conversations with dates dissatisfying, specially when they tell me the plots of films

August 2024

  • A Ouija board

    Science Weekly
    Summer picks: the science of ‘weird shit’ – podcast

  • Noel and Liam Gallagher in 2008

    ‘Anger is blinding’: family therapists on how to resolve sibling feuds

  • Picture of a woman seeking calm

    How to build a better life
    Do you really want a divorce? Or are you just ‘getting divorcey’?

  • Emma Beddington

    No brothers or sisters? That doesn’t mean you’ll grow up spoiled and lonely

    Emma Beddington
  • Self and wellbeing
    I love Springsteen and my daughter is a huge Swiftie – and that’s created a bridge between us

  • Riots, shootings, sadism… blame it on the boredom of social media

    Martha Gill
  • ‘The liberating truth is: they’re probably not thinking about you’: Oliver Burkeman on how to quit people-pleasing

About 5,148 results for Psychology