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Does Ed Miliband regret eating that infamous bacon sandwich?
Does Ed Miliband regret eating that infamous bacon sandwich?

What are your biggest career regrets? Share your stories

This article is more than 6 years old

Do you wish you’d followed your childhood dream? Were there any risks you didn’t take? Tell us about your biggest career regrets

Hindsight is a wonderful thing – but it can also shine an unflattering light on the decisions we’ve made. Ask yourself the “what if” question and there’s always a risk of opening up an endless pit of regrets. But every choice – be it a good or bad one – is a lesson, right?

And we’ve all had a few regrets we can learn from. As many as nine out of 10 people in the UK regret rushing their choice of career, according to one survey. Other studies have found that almost half of workers surveyed regret not following their childhood dreams, and more than half given their time again would have chosen a different career path.

It’s always important to reflect on the progress you’ve made, but also learn from bad decisions and the opportunities you may have missed out on – if not for your own development, but for someone else’s.

So we want to hear about your biggest career regrets. Were there any risks you didn’t take? Did you miss out on any roles? What would you tell your younger self? And what advice would you give to someone further down the career ladder?

You can submit your contributions anonymously using the online form below, from Tuesday 26 September until midnight on 10 October. We will publish an edited selection on the Guardian Careers site, and contributions may also be shared across our social media channels.

To get in touch fill in the encrypted form below – you won’t need to give us your name or the name of where you work – and we’ll publish a selection of responses. Please give us as much information about your experience as you can, but only include identifying details if you are happy to have them published.

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