Wow, July was a busy month. We packed a lot into the first full month of summer! I love a month with lots of fun and adventures.
We took a family bike ride to try a new place for lunch, Kafe Neo. It was delicious and has started to become one of our go-tos.
In discussing getting together over 4th of July weekend, our cousin Chrissy asked if there was anyway we could do a pub crawl for ourselves with our children in tow. Not one to shy away from a challenge such as this, Matt devised a brilliant plan and created the Long Beach Water Taxi pub crawl. It started out at the Belmont Shore Brewing Company with some kick off drinks and snacks.
Then it was onto the boat, which conveniently also sold adult beverages, and served as the second stop on the "pub crawl."
We spent some time on dry land, hanging at the arcade and walking around the pier.
Then back onto the boat for a beautiful (and beer accompanied) ride back.
A total success.
Up next was our awesome visit from our European friends, Jehidy, Paul, Annabella and Victoria!! After they arrived we hit Second Street for some lunch.
That evening we rented a duffy boat and took a lovely ride on the bay. Such a perfect way to spend an early evening!
The next day we dropped Gabriella off at preschool and then hit up Seal Beach for some time on the playground and delicious pizza for lunch.
After that it was off to collect Gabriella at school and then spend the afternoon at the beach, splashing, eating ice cream and playing in the sand.
That evening we walked to dinner at The Attic--and tired our kids out before we even got there!
But don't worry, they were up in time to engage in some antics while we tried to eat. :-)
It was so wonderful to have our friends with us here. From meeting in Miami, to hanging out when we both lived in Holland, to spending quality time together in Cali (now that they live in Switzerland), it really is a special relationship for us!
Here's G&T hanging out on the swing at the house across the street.
And then back on our front steps, where we spend a lot of time.
We spent one weekend day at El Dorado Park--first we jumped on the little train ride which Thomas wasn't so sure about.
Then we hit the paddle boats for a cruise around the lake.
Gabriella was having a grand old time chilling in the middle with a snack while Mommy and Daddy sweat it out next to her.
Thomas was a bit uncomfortable in the life vest.
But still had a blast.
We were so lucky that we got to see our dearest friends, Kara and Aunt Bonnie, in Calabasas when they were out here for a wedding. We had a fun lunch, some yummy fro-yo and although it was a short visit it was full of love.
Gabriella cozying up with one of the books Kara bought for her.
We attended Disney night at the JCC pool,and G & T really enjoyed their popsicles.
More delicious popsicles at the local Farmer's Market
We met Jackie and Mack on Balboa Island at baby's beach for an afternoon of sun, sand and swimming.
That's all for July's first installment--more soon!