Showing posts with label Linky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linky. Show all posts

Get to Know Me!

I'm joining in on the fun linky that one of my favorite blogging friends (whose a real life friend now!) is having - called AssessME.

So here's a fun little questionaire about myself.


talking to myself..I do it ALL.THE.TIME.  Maybe it's because I like to talk things out so the make sense... or maybe it's because I'm the only person that listens to what I say?! ha!

Let's talk about hungry. I am always  hungry. Thankfully, I have learned how to eat healthy, so I get to actually eat more and it's what I'm supposed to do - haha! #winwin

Ahh - the television. It's always on. It is more in the summer than during the school year. Only because I like to have my favorite shows on in the background.... Law & Order SVU, Blue Bloods, Beauty and the Beast (my new favorite!), but once school starts, I only really get to watch/listen to it after the kids go to bed and I've worked out.

Showering. This is bad... but I don't actually remember the last time I's been a few days. But I do remember thinking that day..  you know what!? I just showered and now i'm in the pool. What a WASTE of shampoo and conditioner! haaha! The products I use aren't cheapy brands you can get at the store, so I really don't like wasting them....knowing that the pool or beach is inevitably in my future for that day. lol The school year is a different story. A shower every day - sometimes twice! I know.. I'm weird like that.

ahh.. Disney. I SUPER love Disney!  We go at least once a month.

It's where I got to meet up with Rachel last month!

and every time we go, I have to have a Mickey bar.

And this might be my new favorite picture of us at Disney. Brooklynn's favorite is Tinker Bell. But she was so shy, she couldn't express her happiness. lol

yes - I love wearing my glasses!! I know, I'm weird. But I just started wearing them, like right after Caroline was born.  You can see her sleeping ...

annnnnnd.... NO! I do not live in the same state I was born in. I mean, c'mon. I was meant to live in Florida...I was born in West Virginia. And while WV is a beautiful state, it does not have any beaches. And that, my friends, I can not do. 

So, there's me ....

Go check out the others over at Rachel's blog


Summer Bucket List Linky

Hey friends! So this week starts week 3 of my summer vacation, and so far we've been having a lot of fun in the sun!! You can follow me over at my other blog, A Splash of Life Blog to see what we've been up to...and to follow my fitness journey! I actually post a lot over there - life, recipes, fitness journey, DIYs, and random thoughts!

But today I'm linking up with Natalie over at What the Teacher Wants for a Summer Bucket List.

So here's my bucket list for this year.


NONE!! It's true!! I have NOTHING I want to do this summer for school!  You know why?? Because I got so much of it done before I left at the end of school. You can check out my post {HERE} on what I did before I left.

I even got my scope and sequence finished with my teammate before we left! Check {THIS} post to see where I got this beautiful calendar from!

Sooooo, since I worked like crazy before the end of the year to get ready for net year, my list of things to do this summer is pretty non-existent. I might have one or two things on there, but I don't remember what they are...haha!  Which is nice because last summer I worked my TAIL off since I was moving to a new school, new room set-up, and a new grade! It was a crazy BTS for me (Remember when I brought that HUGE U-Haul to school with all my crap stuff and I had to get it all organized and looking pretty??), and I'm so thankful that I don't have to go through that again!


Since it's summer time, I actually have time to workout like I want! I get to go back to bootcamp in the mornings (yes, at 5:30 in the morning!) and sometimes I get to workout again in the evening!

and sometimes I get to do Sunrise Yoga on the beach or run on the beach! I mean, seriously... I love living here!

Another goal of mine is to get Baby C's room done. I mean, the poor girl still doesn't have a room! haha! She does, but it's been used as the store-room while we've been in construction.  That's ok - she sleeps in our room anyway.  I did however get the crib up finally. Not that it's being used, but I thought that maybe that'd be my push to get the rest of the room done.  Yeah.. not so much. lol

I also really want to get the backyard done. It's nothing but a big land of DIRT and "clay" from the pool construction and between the dogs and the kids, my house and back porch are DISGUSTINGLY dirty All. The. Time.

I actually just  cleaned out the entire back porch; tables and chairs and playhouse all went outside for me to scrub them and then I pressure washed the porch floor. SO. MUCH. BETTER!

I actually scrubbed everything with doTERRA's On Guard Cleaning Concentrate. I love it!! And I know that it's safe for my little ones too... If you want to check out more on doTERRA you can check out my page {HERE}.


yeah.. you can probably guess that my fun goals are to visit the beach as much as possible... yep!! 
I mean, why would you NOT want to go to a play that just makes you happy as soon as you walk up?! I mean just LOOK at this!

To play in OUR pool.. it's almost done...we're just waiting for a day that is NOT going to rain to get the pool plastered.... but HELLLLLO?!? It's summer time in Florida - it rains EVERY day in the summer!!  One day....

and my birthday trip.... every year on my birthday we go on a trip. It's my birthday present to myself. And a tradition. That's the problem with having a summer birthday. No one is usually around to celebrate (when you're a kid) so it's been a long-time tradition to go somewhere for my birthday. I haven't decided where to this year... maybe back down to the Keys?!  I don't know.

Make sure you come follow me at my other blog to keep up with what we're doing for fun, watch the girls grow, share my fitness journey with me, and just listen to my ramblings!

A Splash of Life

You can also like my A Splash of Life Facebook Page
And follow my other IG accounts:
Thanks for the linky, Natalie!


Meet the Teacher Blogger!


My name is Jen Ross.

Nice to meet you!!

(I'm linking up with my friend Stephanie for her Meet the Teacher Blogger Linky!)

Yep. That's me.

Well, me in my happy place. The beach. This beach just so happens to be a beach in Charleston, SC from our road trip this summer. You can read about it on my personal blog if you want! (and many other random thoughts and babblings!)

Let me tell you a little bit about me before we get into the Q/A session.

I'm married to a firefighter... we got married in 2008. We "eloped" to Jamaica. I say eloped, but it was planned. Everyone knew we were going. I just didn't want to take the time and money to plan out a big wedding and deal with my mom and the stress. So we just flew to Jamaica and had a "WeddingMoon!" BEST decision ever. I don't regret it. At all. I highly recommend it. lol We did come back and have a professional photographer take some pictures. And we had "reception" (party) to celebrate. I got to wear my wedding dress TWICE! Can't beat that! ha!


We have two beautiful, crazy, sweet, loving, crazy, while, curious girls...with another on the way!

This will be my 12th year teaching (HOLY CANNOLI!). I have worked in a severe Title I school in all of my years, teaching mostly 2nd and 3rd grade. This year, I am moving to a NON Title I school and going doing my FIRST year in FIRST grade! eek! I'm kind of nervous of what to expect in ALL areas. But so far, I have a few friends on my team, and my new teammate/"pod"mate/team leader is really great! She's been dealing with my questions ALL summer long - bless her heart! lol

And TODAY is our FIRST day back! Teacher report today and students report next Monday! Eek!!!

Ok... let's get started on the Q/A session now, shall we?

Q: These are a few of my favorite things…

beach (obviously!), fruit, working out/running, and organization! haha (I'm weird, I know!)

Q: If you weren't a teacher, what would you want to be?

I used to say that I wanted to be a "homicidal" dectective...and everyone would laugh at me. I never knew
why they were laughing. lol. I do now. But yes, I would love to be a detective. Those are my favorite shows
to watch! Ever since I was little... I was watching Murder She Wrote when everyone else was watching Real World, or something.

Q: Three little words that describe you.

well, right now those are different words since I'm pregnant...especially if you ask my husband. haha.

Q: Finish this sentence, 
“___________________, said no teacher EVER!!”

I'm so glad summer is over!

Q: It’s your birthday and you can invite anyone {dead or alive} to the party. Who are you inviting?

my mom! since she doesn't live here... and I can't wait to have her back!

Q: If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?

The Eternal Sunshine - and How to Make Your Own.

Q: You get to pick one superpower. What is it?

to snap my fingers and have my house cleaned! Seriously. Having kids...and a husband who doesn't see
things the way I do is really hard on someone who likes it clean! lol

Q: What’s your favorite quote or saying?

Saltwater makes everything better: ocean, sweat, and tears!

Q: If you HAD to sing one song on American Idol, 
what would it be?

Ummm... I'm Walking on Sunshine - ohhhh ohhhh

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Morning person! It's a good thing too, because of my kiddos. lol

Q: What’s your favorite resource that you've 
created in your TPT shop?

oh geez. That's hard! There are so many that I rely on. (check out my post I just did on this HERE)

But I think, right now, I am going to go with either my Spelling Journals or my Phonics Notebooks. I will be relying heavily on both of these this year....and I did last year too!

Ok, so that's a nutshell. Kind of. Go check out the linky to meet more of you favorite teacher bloggers!


Show Me Your Teacher Tote Linky!

So today I went shopping. LOTS of shopping!

I had so many things on my to-do list today, it was just insane. I started the day off with a run, and then my phone dinged with an email reminder from my doctor that I had an appointment this morning. Um... run was cut short! But, at least I got about 20 minutes in, right?

So after my doctor appointment, I took the girls bowling with my cousin and her kids. (I LOVE having family that lives here now!) THEN, it was time to start school shopping for Autumn, since she's starting VPK (Prek-K as most places call it). And of course, since I was buying stuff for her, I had to buy me some school stuff too, right?!  I will get into what I got myself later... (I'm sure most of you have seen my IG and FB picture of my ever growing pile in my dining room that needs to go to school). 

But, what I REALLY want to show you is my new Teacher Bag!!

I love it so much, I'm having a linky!! You can blog about it and link up on the blog, or you can Instagram your picture using the hashtag #myteachertote.

So here's mine! 

I really like The Vera bag. It's big and has lots of pockets, inside and out! The more pockets, the better! AND it zips closed, so when I do use it as a "Mommy Bag" then, I can zip it up and not worry about everything falling out!  

picture from the Vera Bradley website

I have used all kinds of bags... from 31 to my Mrs. Ross Bag from H.E.M Originals that I got last year, that I still LOVE.

I posted about it last year, check it out HERE. You can order one on Etsy! But the reason I needed a new bag was because I am also going to be using this as a diaper bag / big purse for EVERYTHING for the kids.

So, now I want to see YOUR bag!  Link up on your blog or Instagram... or both!!


Getting Ready for April!

I'm sitting in my living room with books all around me...books that I own, and books that I'm borrowed from the library. I usually empty out the public library's I do this as "research" to see if I really want to buy the books, or if the books are too expensive for me to buy. ha! But I decided that I should start showing y'all some of the books that I like to use during each month. This is also for a few, so I can remember year to year which books I used and borrowed from the library to get again (lol), but also because I'm sure there are other people out there like me that LOVE to showcase books in their room for each theme that they do. AND because I'm always looking for more books to add to my collection, I'm going to make them linkies! So PLEASE, link up and aid in my (and others') book addiction!

Bees are one of my favorite subjects...They are so amazing too me!

I have a fun idea I hope to do with ants this month, so I've been collecting some ant books!

Here are some of the Earth Day books I'm going to be using...
There are literally TONS of books about Spring, but here are a few for you to check out...

I'll be back later this week to show you some of the fun activities I have planned.  Go ahead and link up your blogposts! I can't wait to see all the new books I need to get!


13 in 13 linky!!

I'm linking up with some of my favorite people (seriously...these 3 people are SO sweet and awesome - I love them!) to do the 13 in 13 linky!!

I'm currently sitting here watching my 2nd all-time favorite movie because my number 1 is nowhere to be found - boo!

That would have to be my Lauren Conrad Jean. seriously. They fit like a GLOVE. I have a "tire" around my waist and I don't like low rise jeans that acentuate that, and these go high enough over my tire and I LOVE them!! I got them from Kohls...

(note -that is NOT my

well, if you know me IRL, you know that we don't have any family here, so going out without the kids is a RARE occasion, since I have to pay an arm AND a leg to the babysitter since we have 2 kids. lol. BUT, we did manage to go see a few of which was the hunger games, but the other one was Frozen (with the I tell you, I LOVE Frozen??

oooh... I have so many favorites...none that I REALLY watch 

I really can't decide....


Law & Order SVU? (I met the original cast in real life up in NYC before!!)

Major Crimes?? only because I LOVED The Closer

I DON'T KNOW!!  Do you see a trend? They're all mysteries! lol

Hmmm....well, once again, hubs and I rarely get to go out, but I really think my little local place on the beach is one of my favorites!

It's a little hole in the wall, but I LOVE it! It's pretty busy most days. 
I could eat a burrito EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

hmmmm....what have I tied that was new???

OH! We got a new VAN!!! well, new to us, anyway. I said goodbye to my 10 year relationship with Vickie the Vue (which was bittersweet) and got ourselves a van.

(photo taken by my 4 year

Oh geez....well, it MIGHT be the gift I'm getting tomorrow.

Seriously ya'll, I am THE worse when it comes to gifts. I will hunt, sniff out, sneak, whatever I have to do. I can't STAND not knowing....I've even perfected the art of unwrapping so you can't tell I haven't unwrapped NO, it hasn't gotten any better since I'm an adult. My parents used to actually TAPE my bedroom door shut on Christmas but, shhhhh...don't tell my husband. 

hmmmm.... let me go check...
OH!! This one is...

This one one of my FAVORITE sayings, but more importantly, this is MY beach!! I love it!! And thank you to the talented Lyndsey for adding your talent!

Oh gosh....

I have NO idea.


maybe THIS one???

that's a hard one! lol

wow. from past years, my accomplishments this year kind of pale in comparison. But I will go with my accomplishments are that I have found friends that are truer than true...that make me (and my family) feel like part of their family. While I have a lot of friends, finding THOSE friends that will last a life time are hard. So I'm thankful for finding those this year!

SO MANY!!! but these 2 that were taken in the last week, MIGHT just be my favorite!

These are my girls...and the beautiful Florida scenery!

Me and my best. Happy that it's winter break!


And this is a close 2nd!  Our first day of summer break - at the beach with drinks in our hands1

My favorite memory??? Any time one of my girls laughs and giggles!! Seriously. It just makes my heart melt to hear them laugh. BEST sound in the world!

To be the person I want to be. There are a few people in my life that I just watch and say "I wish I were more like him/her." for various reasons...not jealousy, not envy, but just because of how they act. It's like that saying....It's not your beliefs that make you a better person, it's your actions. 

BREATHE.  This was my word last year. and I STILL need to remember this - especially with two little tornados running around...creating havoc everywhere.

Merry Christmas EVE everyone!!!

We'll be heading to the beach tomorrow to build our traditional sandmen ....since we don't have snow to make snowmen. 

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