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Finding Calm In The Chaos


It's been some crazy weeks here in Southern California.
with wildfires  ravaging parts of Los Angeles.
The  Santa Ana winds exploding the fires and everything in their  paths.

We were never in danger form the LA fires
but we do live in an area that has fires breaking out often.
Our backyard view right now  has the burn scars from fires we had in September.

The Santa Ana winds we had for over a week were a constant  mental reminder
what could happen here also.

We've lived out here 30 years
 it hasn't been until this January
that I could ever see us having the possibility of real problems.
But I'm sure most of us in Southern California
are seeing possibilities differently these days.

I  have never experienced winds like January 7th.
In our neighborhood huge pine trees were snapped in half.
Our house not only shook from the winds
but even our massive bed on the second floor was moved.
The Santa Ana winds sounded like an ongoing explosion 
when they came in this time.

Usually here the winds sound like an incoming train
that you can here seconds before even any leaves start to move.
I woke up wondering was it a plane too low overhead
but the noise didn't seem to move away.
in a few seconds
I realized it was crazy winds.

It was a few hours later
when I had the  local news on
 they began  covering a small brush fire
in the hills of LA.
No one had any idea how bad things would get for LA.
And the winds kept howling  outside for us.

Winds so viscous they made it hard to sleep that night.
I finally fell asleep at midnight
by then much of Malibu was burning.
Their  winds were blowing over 85 miles per hour.
We just live 75 miles south of Malibu.
I figured I should try to get sleep if I could
because who knew what we might have to deal with  next day.

The next day the images  of LA neighborhoods were unbelievable.
But the winds were lessening
more help was being sent to LA.
the worst  of the fires themselves seemed to be over.

But here in Orange County
the Santa Ana winds continued to burst crazy gusts
for the next few days.
A continual reminder what actually 
'could happen'

It was the odd limbo
where my heart broke foe others in LA
while I still had an unease about our own area.

I felt like I had to stay home
to keep an eye on things.

I obviously had to think of what I would take if I ever had to leave.

Talk about a quick way to check what is really important in life.

I made my lists
that now hang on my studio blackboard.
It contains a combination of 
the necessary and the  sentimental.

Making my own list broke my heart even more
for so many in LA who lost everything.

I even started to feel guilty of how I still had everything.
I soon pushed that out to my mind
realizing each day is a gift
 adding to ripples of anxiety 
serves no one.

Instead I felt an overwhelming need to get my house
actually, oddly
closets and bedroom in order.
Having absolutely no control on wildfires
other than being as prepared as possible
I decides to find calm in making my spaces as orderly 
and beautiful
as possible.
Taking the time to  truly appreciating what I did have
while I actually had it.

Our downstairs more public spaces are always in perfect order.
But I must admit there were  many, many days 
my bed wasn't made
 clothes covered my floor
not because I was ever lazy
but rather 
I always felt I had too much to do
my time was better spent elsewhere.

But the winds and the fires had me so rattled
with feeling of no control and worry
I actually slowed down.

It's a funny thing how thinking through 
the possibility of loosing everything
makes you reconsider even  your time usage.

It actually reminded me just how much 
I love my home.
I love my spaces
I love my closets of my beloved clothes.

It reminded me I don't need to rush 
to accomplish more
to get more.

What I really needed to do 
was actually 
slow down.


Do less and appreciate more.

To intentionally appreciate
care for what I do have.

Slowing down 
intentionally caring and appreciating
my spaces and belongings
has brought me a calm
I haven't felt in a while.

Life is fleeting
another day is never promised.

I think the chaos of the fires and all of the other implications
of the last week here in the US

has made me turn inward
in an attempt to find 
calm and peace
where it doesn't exist outside for me right now.

Now more than ever it is time for me to do
Gratitude lists and Glimmers.

To be intentional where I put 
my time
my love 
my intentions.
To create beauty 
meaningful work.
To find
Calm in the Chaos

so my life can have 
a ripple effect of love and joy.

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life

Crown Yourself This New Year

I will be taking the time to
Crown Myself 
this New Year.

I have stopped playing in the murky waters
of New Year's Resolutions years ago.

I am going to make
 beautiful rituals of
taking the time to 
Crown Myself

~ Reflect on all of the things I've done well this past year (and in life)
~ Savor again all of the magic moments that made my heart soar.
~ Make a list of my favorite Glimmers
~Reflect on where  and when I stood tall when I wanted to crumble

I choose to make
Crowning Myself
a beautiful ritual
 because at this age I know

~ I am responsible for my own happiness

~ No one is coming to save me

~ True personal validation is always an inside job

~We can only pour from a full cup

Crowning Yourself 
really can happen in so many ways
both literally  (everyone stands a little taller with a Crown)

This New Year I have planned and taken time to sit quietly in a beautiful space
to reflect.
I will have a candles and flowers  to remind myself
that my relationship with myself
is of utmost importance.

After my scene is set
I will put on one of my Crowns
 sit quietly as I 
make notes of all the  good that comes up.
I will write those happy thoughts in my journal
better yet as a  beautiful love letter to myself.

I will open up my photos for the year
as helpful reminders of the splendid moments I experienced.

I will review my gratitude journal for the year
to be reminded of the small things
that were actually the big things in my heart.

I will review my business calendar to remember
what I have accomplished this year.

I will write down my favorite moments
taking the time to 
Savor and Enjoy
them all once again.

It is only then
after I bask in all the good and beauty and love
 I accomplished and experienced this last year

I will gently
 with much love and compassion
ask myself

~ Where would I like to grow.

~ What  behaviors would I like to change
so that I can experience life at a higher energy level.

~ Where does the majority of my joy come from?

~ What can I do to have a better relationship with myself?

~ What boundaries do I need to give myself to maximize my self love?

~ What can I do to support my own goals? 

~ What soothing rituals can I put into my daily life
to help me stay focused on my goals?

I have been looking for ways to do better
be more 
be successful
manage my emotions
since high school
as a way to manage my ongoing depression and anxiety.

I have lived in the self help sections of book stores
always on the quest to discover some nirvana where I feel
I've got it all figured out  and in place.
I know after all these years there is really no place to arrive
where everything stays in place
because life itself is continual motion.

But I do know for a fact we are better people 
when we can take the time to 
love and respect our own selves.
How much conflict with others is really our own internal conflict projected.

That is exactly why I am a firm believer in taking the time to
Crown Ourselves.

If you've been reading my blog for the lsat decade
you have read about it here before.
As much as I believe in 
Crowning Ourselves
even I have lost my way with it along my recent life journey.
That being said

I am so much happier
have so much more to give others
when I can remember
to love myself
take care of myself
make myself a priority
live in a manner that I respect myself.

That is what
Crowning Myself 
truly means to me.

May we all remember to take the time
To Crown Ourselves
this New Year

As a visual reminder 
I will be adding  some sweet new
Crown Yourself Bracelets
to my shop!

Made out of my favorite Howlite gemstone beads
which is believed by many to 
to have calming and stress relieving properties
glass pearls
and a removable silver Crown Charm!

I am so excited about remembering to 
Crown Ourselves
I will be introducing these bracelet at
instead of the regular $125.

As always each piece comes beautifully gift wrapped 
with a complimentary hand made pearl charm.

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy
As you Style Your Life

Holiday Gift Wrap Ideas

I thought I would share some of my favorite

Gift Wrapping Ideas

Right now I am loving and using the 
gorgeous inside and out
lidded boxes
Target's  Sugar Paper HERE

I simply wrapped the box up with 
felt cut into ribbons
which is another of my favorite wrapping tips!

I add a tag and slip in some greenery!

Wrapping with
 brown kraft paper
is a perfect way to 
show off some 
vintage cotton ribbon.

I added more
plus some vintage mistletoe.

I did one of my favorite wrappings last year.

For Christmas Jeff and I gave
roundtrip airline tickets and hotel stays 
to each of the kids and their spouses
so that the whole family could attend a family wedding in Austin.

So to package the 'unwrappable' gifts
we printed off all of the tickets, printed up info on the wonderful hotel
 presented the gifts in
 leather portfolios 
from Anthropologie.

I tied it up with
 vintage string 
added 2  travel cocktail kits
a charm
finished with 

 gift cards
 I like to put them with 
a small gift to open
to make the presentation more fun.

For a wedding I bought sweet salt and pepper shakers
then put the gift card in as well.

 always make for fun package garnish
especially  when added to greenery from the garden.

I always coordinate my wrapping with 
my holiday decor.
so everything coordinates under the tree.

This was from a year I decorated with silver, greys and pinecones.

Here's another example of finishing off a gift with
an ornament.

I love to finish off  so many of my presents
with a little charm as well!

I hope these

Holiday Gift Wrap Ideas

spark some fun creativity of your own!

Wishing you and yours
a wonderful holiday season!

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life

Christmas Cemetery Visit

 Jeff and I once again visited the cemetery 
to decorate the gravesite of
my Mom, Dad and sister.

As the years move on the cemetery has become to feel more like a place of comfort.
Decorating feels like a sweet way to remember and honor their lives.

Christmas time at the cemetery feels like a community.
Grief and loss can feel lonely sometimes
Being around other people
 celebrating the lives of those they've lost and loved
can be a comfort.

This year the the decorating rules were abruptly changed
so there was an opportunity to talk to other people
who were also shocked at the change as they were attempting
to decorate their family graves.
We met the most interesting woman and got to know all about her family 
and share some stone cleaning tips.

My take away from our visit this year
just how much we all have in common
you can find Silver Linings every where.

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life

Mental Health Tips to Thrive During The Holidays

~~~~~  I have been writing about mental health during the holidays for years now.
Remembering these tips
has gotten me through challenging years
helped me stay focused and present 
during the good years
so that I don't miss any of the small magical moments
the holidays can bring!

I decided to share my tips again
in case they can help anyone else
to savor and enjoy their own magical moments! ~~~~~


As someone who has spent so much time
struggling with anxiety and depression
I have learned some tips
over the years
to not only cope  during the holidays
but to actually 
Thrive During the Holidays.

I am back once again this year with my
Tips for Self Care During the Holidays  
I have been doing various versions of these
for several years now
Starting off the holidays with
parameters and intentions 
have been so very beneficial to me.
I thought I'd share my favorite here
in case anybody else can use a bit of encouragement
at this time of year.

So many years as an adult
I have been navigating
 the search for 
the joys of Christmas
 amidst loss
since my sister died December 12th 36 years ago.
That year I don't think we even had Christmas
but I remember thinking that I would never 
miss the joy of Christmas again
as long as I was able.
I haven't.

So I know all too well how many times
the holidays can  shine such a light 
on just where we are at the time.

What losses we've had
changes that are in process.
In the ten years I've been doing this blog
I have endured many.

But I have learned to acknowledge them
while still making room for the joys 
that have always still come with the season.

I have made peace with giving room
to both joy and grief
the more I do
the joy seems to be able to grow.
Maybe it is with a heart honed by grief and loss
that we are more able to 
see and experience 
the moments of true joy and bliss during the holidays!

So here are my top 
Holiday Heart Tips
Thrive During the Holidays

Sentimental Holiday Styling

I enjoy 
styling our little house for the seasons
as much as I enjoy
styling a fab outfit.

I was so happy with how my November decorating came out this year.
The last few years I have tried to come up with
  November styling concepts
embrace Thanksgiving
while still 
leaving me prepped for Christmas
I have come to really love having my tree up 
with only the white lights 
the weeks preceding Thanksgiving.

I still kept my heirloom pumpkins from my fall decor
added in my vintage wooden star.

This year my fabulous sequin pillows were the inspiration
jumping off point for my 
Thanksgiving Holiday Decor.
This  kept the base color neutral
with accents of mixed metals and textures.

I carried the mixed metal concept throughout my styling.
Brass, copper and silver played beautifully together.
The crocheted runner added in texture and whimsy.

The mixed metal concept transitioned beautifully to our
Thanksgiving Tablescape!
Not only did I mix metals, but also
primitive and lux.
But my favorite part of this table
bringing in so many pieces that hold sentiment to my heart!

This year I wanted our rustic farm table 
that Jeff made years ago
to be the star
so I just did a center runner , leaving much of the wooden table exposed.
for a runner I actually used craft paper
for a bit of whimsy and fun.
My plan was to bring out crayons for everyone to make their own bit of artwork.

I was happy to not only incorporate my Mother's silver
but was able to share the memory with my sweet grand daughter
who helped me set the table.
Life moments to be sure.

The center of tapers were made by Jeff's Dad 
out of New Hampshire birch branches.
The pewter candlesticks are a gift from his mother.

Rustic linen napkins were juxtaposed with crystal napkin holders.

Thanksgiving is always a chance to bring out all of my collected crystal!

I was so happy with my innovative florals!
I used brass swan planters, from Ellis's wedding
filling them with stalks of kale.
They kale wonderfully with the other white flowers and greenery.

I also brought out all of my Thanksgiving salt shakers
so everybody had there own.
Lennon got to pick who got which set!

I also set up our brand new bar that Jeff made this spring
for drinks and pre dinner appetizers alfresco.

My favorite flex from our little house
turning the living room into a tented sleepover room 
with our sweet grands!

I love how with a bit of creativity and love
our little house continues to meet all the changing needs
our family have had over the last 30 years.

I wore one of my favorite Crowns for Thanksgiving.
It was a gentle reminder to myself
of the tremendous Gratitude
I have for the opportunity to not only host the day
but all wonderful family that make up my life.
Here's to making beautiful memories this season!

As always my friends

I wish you love and joy
as you style your life