As Much As I Dsilike What They Do... (5.00 / 1) (#7)
by ScottW714 on Mon Mar 30, 2015 at 09:02:53 AM EST
...their crimes are essentially legal where they committed them.  And I don't believe this would be a blip on the radar here with non-prositutes.

Some of it is unrelated, so it's hard to comment on every allegation, so mine are related to the prostitution ones only.

Unrelated, but interesting from Wiki:

In 2001, It was estimated that there are 35,000 children working as prostitutes in Colombia.

A series of factors put children at risk for sexual exploitation in Colombia and leave them unprotected. The war and the drug trade have altered family structures that in ordinary times would have provided safety and nurture. The war has also caused the displacement of countless families, some of whose children have been soldiers in the war. Displaced children are particularly vulnerable to being forced into prostitution, even more so in the declining economy.

So when exactly will the DEA be standing trial for putting kids at risk of being exploited.  Which to me is infinitely worse than people engaging in a legal activities.

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