Vacuum Cleaner Parts Store By Southside Vacuum
Sells the best new vacuum cleaners and all of those hard to find vacuum parts, vacuum bags,
vacuum belts, vacuum filters, cleaning supplies and accessories at the best online price.
We operate two retail vacuum stores, four online web sites, and a warehousing operation in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
As a vacuum dealer we currently stock over 9,000 parts from vacuum cleaners, power tools, power wheels,
small appliance, 60 manufacturers, and ship quality cleaning equipment worldwide...everyday. We are members of the Better Business Bureau of NE Indiana, Vacuum Dealers Trade Association, and the National Appliance Service Association.
Shipping charges on vacuum bags, belts, filters and most small vacuum parts is only $6.90 for a flat delivery fee. Some items will be more because of their weight or size. We will notify you before we ship if there is any additional charge.
A listing of vacuum cleaner products we stock is available through the Site Map link at the top of this page. If you have any questions, please e-mail, or call our toll free order line1-888-209-8113.