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The Perfect Match

More than one million students gave a
5 star review
to their tutor

  • Kristina

    Tennis tutor

    Very helpful with my grip and providing live feedback. Positive and knowledgeable. Great facility too!


  • Jesse

    Acoustic guitar tutor

    Jesse is a highly knowledgeable and patient instructor. He excels at breaking information down into bite-sized pieces, making learning the ukulele both enjoyable and easy to follow.


  • Riata

    Aviation tutor

    I had the pleasure of working with Riata as I prepared for my check ride, and I couldn’t be more grateful for her guidance. Riata brings a unique perspective to aviation tutoring, blending technical knowledge with practical insights that only someone with her experience can offer. Her commitment to helping students succeed is evident in every session. Riata was incredibly patient, thorough, and made sure I fully understood each concept before moving on. She tailored her teaching to my needs, focusing on areas where I needed the most improvement, which made all the difference in my preparation.


  • Michael

    Mathematics tutor

    He explained concepts very well and he is a very good teacher.



    Spanish tutor

    The initial meeting went well - Junior was friendly, answered all questions and had a great introduction to our Spanish lessons!


  • Kenise

    English tutor

    My tutor Kenise was very comforting and very open which I am a fan of . She explains to me things very well that I have a hard time understanding . Kenise is a perfect fit and can’t wait to continue my education with her !


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