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24 Apr



For the Discover Primary Science and Maths Award, Fifth Class and Mr. Curran completed the Greenwave Section. For this, we focused on the amount of rainfall in Bray during the month of April. (more…)

24 Apr



Hello, we are Ms. Brennan’s 2nd Class. This is our first time to do the Discover Primary Science and Maths Project. We are really excited. We completed part two of the project where we designed and made experiments from the Materials strand. We made Lava Lamps. We made a big one for the class and then we all made ones to bring home. We hope you like our project. (more…)

24 Apr


Fourth class looked at the Energy and Forces strand of the Science curriculum focusing on the topic of Gravity. We integrated this into other subjects such as Maths, Geography and History. (more…)

24 Apr



As part of the Discover Primary Science and Maths Award, our principal, Ms. Whyte, arranged for us to have a visit from the amazing SkyDome Academy in school back in March.  It was a cool way to learn about the Science and the Solar System. (more…)

23 Apr



Hi, I’m Dillon Ebbs and I’m in 6th Class. Every year, St. Peter’s BNS participates in the BT Young Scientist Competition. Most people don’t know this, but the BT Young Scientist has a primary section called the ‘Primary Science Fair’. We have entered this for many years and our projects have been about many things including a study on lifeboats, the physics of the Funfair and how chocolate is made. (more…)

22 Apr



Engineers’ Week took place between the 25th of February and the 3rd of March. We all took part in Science experiments and K’nex challenges to get us thinking about what life would be like to be an engineer! Third Class wanted to find out more about aeronautical engineering as many of us love to make and experiment with paper aeroplanes. Here is how we carried out our investigation.


18 Apr

Well done to the boys who made a mini-business before Easter and sold some seasonal cards to the staff and parents of the school. The boys had to work with a budget to buy materials and had to create the designs for the cards. They showed great creativity and business sense! We think that they are destined for Dragon’s Den or the Apprentice!


18 Apr



Our boys in St. Peter’s have many interests. Lorcan (Ms. Hyland’s Class) has a particular love of animals. Recently he brought his beautiful dog Star to school. He is very proud of Star and brings her to lots of different dog shows. When Star goes to a show, Lorcan has to parade around the ring with her. It takes a lot of time and love to look after Star. We are very proud of Lorcan and thank him for teaching us so much about how to care for a show dog.

18 Apr

Hello, we are Ms. Brennan’s 2nd Class. This is our first time to do the Discover Primary Science and Maths Project. We are really excited. We completed part two of the project where we designed and made experiments from the Materials strand. We made Lava Lamps. We made a big one for the class and then we all made ones to bring home. We hope you like our project, we will have all of it on the blog very soon!

5. Aftermath

In the meanwhile, have a look at a video we recorded in class! Just click this link – IMG_0691.

17 Apr

Sixth class are taking part in the Incredible Edibles project, organised by Agri Aware. You can find out more information about the project at Over the next two months, they will be completing a number of tasks related to growing fruit and vegetables.

Task one was to plant the five Incredible Edibles. Pearse and Tautvydas planted potato seeds in bags.


Adam, Dillon and Chris planted carrot seeds.












Blaise, Jake and Luke planted lettuce seeds.













Lee, Ryan and Jamie planted turnip seeds.










We also received strawberry plants in the post, which we’re going to plant together.










We hope to see fruit and vegetables growing before the end of the year. Next job is to remember to water them!