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Elle Marie Sullivan is a native Floridian living in Washington, DC. She graduated from the University of Central Florida in Orlando with her degree in Theatre Studies with a minor in Music and certificate in Women's Studies. There she developed a love for devising and developing new pieces of theatre. She has also studied with Stella Adler Studio of Acting, International Performance Arts Institute, and Heartland Intimacy Design and Training.

Elle is an actor, teaching artist, director, intimacy coordinator and dramaturg. Currently she teaches with Round House Theatre and Imagination Stage. Elle is a Shakespeare in Schools company member at Educational Theatre Company and is on the leadership team with Voices Unbarred.

When Elle isn't performing, she can be found playing with her dog Pippin, planning fun activities with her husband Paul, or practicing yoga.

Up next: Alice in Wonderland - WolfPack Productions

Currently Listening: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Currently Reading: The Untold Stories of Broadway Vol. 2 - Jennifer Ashley Tepper
Currently Watching: Skeleton Crew - Disney+