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Showing 1-20 of 536 results
  1. New constructions of orbit codes based on imprimitive wreath products and wreathed tensor products

    Orbit codes, as special constant dimension codes, have attracted much attention due to their applications for error correction in random network...

    Soleyman Askary, Nader Biranvand, Farrokh Shirjian in Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2
    Article 26 May 2023
  2. New Constructions of Orbit Codes Based on the Operations of Orbit Codes

    An orbit code is a special constant dimension subspace code, which is an orbit of a subgroup of a general linear group acting on the set of all...

    Shang-di Chen, Jun-ying Liang in Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series
    Article 01 October 2020
  3. A Database of Group Actions on Riemann Surfaces

    The automorphism group of a Riemann surface is an important object in a number of different mathematical fields. An algorithm of Thomas Breuer...
    Conference paper 2023
  4. Borel edge colorings for finite-dimensional groups

    We study the potential of Borel asymptotic dimension, a tool introduced recently in [2], to help produce Borel edge colorings of Schreier graphs...

    Felix Weilacher in Israel Journal of Mathematics
    Article Open access 04 August 2024
  5. The Hamilton Compression of Highly Symmetric Graphs

    Petr Gregor, Arturo Merino, Torsten Mütze in Annals of Combinatorics
    Article Open access 13 December 2023
  6. Tree languages and branched groups

    We study the portraits of isometries of rooted trees—the labelling of the tree, at each vertex, by the permutation of its descendants—in terms of...

    Laurent Bartholdi, Marialaura Noce in Mathematische Zeitschrift
    Article Open access 20 March 2023
  7. Periodic Golay pairs and pairwise balanced designs

    In this paper we exploit a relationship between certain pairwise balanced designs with v points and periodic Golay pairs of length v , to classify...

    Dean Crnković, Doris Dumičić Danilović, ... Andrea Švob in Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
    Article 04 January 2022
  8. Random integral matrices: universality of surjectivity and the cokernel

    Hoi H. Nguyen, Melanie Matchett Wood in Inventiones mathematicae
    Article 23 October 2021
  9. The Complex Multiplication Method for Genus 3 Curves

    We consider the problem of constructing genus 3 curves defined over the complex field with the property that their Jacobians are simple and admit...
    Chapter 2024
  10. Primitive algebraic points on curves

    Maleeha Khawaja, Samir Siksek in Research in Number Theory
    Article Open access 05 June 2024
  11. Angle ranks of abelian varieties

    Using the formalism of Newton hyperplane arrangements, we resolve the open questions regarding angle rank left over from work of the first two...

    Taylor Dupuy, Kiran S. Kedlaya, David Zureick-Brown in Mathematische Annalen
    Article Open access 02 June 2023
  12. Graph states and the variety of principal minors

    In Quantum Information theory, graph states are quantum states defined by graphs. In this work we exhibit a correspondence between orbits of graph...

    Vincenzo Galgano, Frédéric Holweck in Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -)
    Article Open access 28 July 2023
  13. Bring’s curve: old and new

    Harry W. Braden, Linden Disney-Hogg in European Journal of Mathematics
    Article Open access 18 December 2023
  14. Kummer Quartic Surfaces, Strict Self-duality, and More

    In this paper, we first show that each Kummer quartic surface (a quartic surface X with 16 singular points) is, in canonical coordinates, equal to...
    Chapter 2023
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