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Showing 1-20 of 81 results
  1. Hausdorff Implementation of Linear Geodesics in the Gromov–Hausdorff Space

    An implementation of a “rectilinear” geodesic lying in the Gromov–Hausdorff space is constructed in the form of the shortest geodesic with respect to...

    A. O. Ivanov, A. A. Tuzhilin in Journal of Mathematical Sciences
    Article 19 December 2023
  2. Particular Cases of Quasi-Parallelograms of Type I on the Lobachevsky Plane

    In this paper, we consider particular cases of quasi-parallelograms, which are obtained by transferring to the Lobachevsky plane various...

    M. S. Maskina, T. A. Zhilnikov in Journal of Mathematical Sciences
    Article 23 November 2023
  3. Nonexistence of the Quasi-harmonic Spheres and Harmonic Spheres into Certain Manifold

    We mainly study the nonexistence of quasi-harmonic spheres and harmonic spheres into spheres of any dimension which omits a neighbourhood of totally...

    Article 19 July 2022
  4. Special Cases of Hyperbolic Parallelograms on the Lobachevsky Plane

    In this paper, we consider particular cases of hyperbolic parallelograms obtained by transferring characteristic properties of rectangles and squares...

    M. S. Maskina, M. I. Kuptsov in Journal of Mathematical Sciences
    Article 01 May 2022
  5. The Planck boundary within the hyperspace of the circle of pseudo-arcs

    In this paper we point out an interesting geometric structure of nonnegative metric curvature emerging from the hyperspaces of decomposable,...

    A. Domokos, J. R. Prajs in Acta Mathematica Hungarica
    Article 26 April 2023
  6. Dual Linear Programming Problem and One-Dimensional Gromov Minimal Fillings of Finite Metric Spaces

    The present paper is devoted to the study of minimal parametric fillings of finite metric spaces (a version of optimal connection problem) by linear...
    Chapter 2021
  7. Quasi-convex subsets in Alexandrov spaces with lower curvature bound

    We introduce quasi-convex subsets in Alexandrov spaces with lower curvature bound, which include not only all closed convex subsets without boundary...

    Xiaole Su, Hongwei Sun, Yusheng Wang in Frontiers of Mathematics
    Article 31 August 2021
  8. Interleaving by Parts: Join Decompositions of Interleavings and Join-Assemblage of Geodesics

    Woojin Kim, Facundo Mémoli, Anastasios Stefanou in Order
    Article 08 September 2023
  9. Persistence Approximation Property for Maximal Roe Algebras

    Persistence approximation property was introduced by Hervé Oyono-Oyono and Guoliang Yu. This property provides a geometric obstruction to Baum-Connes...

    Article 26 November 2019
  10. A new inductive approach for counting dimension in large scale

    We introduce the notion of large scale dimensiongrad as a large scale invariant of asymptotic resemblance spaces. Consequently it can be considered...

    Sh. Kalantari in Archiv der Mathematik
    Article 08 January 2018
  11. Straight projective-metric spaces with centres

    It is proved that a straight projective-metric space has an open set of centres, if and only if it is either the hyperbolic or a Minkowskian...

    Árpád Kurusa in Journal of Geometry
    Article 26 March 2018
  12. A Sufficient Condition to a Regular Set Being of Positive Measure on Spaces

    In this paper, we study regular sets in metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below. We prove that the existence of a point in the...

    Yu Kitabeppu in Potential Analysis
    Article 29 May 2018
  13. Conformal Transformation on Metric Measure Spaces

    We study several problems concerning conformal transformation on metric measure spaces, including the Sobolev space, the differential structure and...

    Bang-Xian Han in Potential Analysis
    Article 16 May 2018
  14. A perimeter-based angle measure in Minkowski planes

    Measuring angles in the Euclidean plane is a well-known topic, but for general normed planes there exists a variety of different concepts. These can...

    Martin Obst in Aequationes mathematicae
    Article 27 December 2017
  15. Extension Theorems for Large Scale Spaces via Coarse Neighbourhoods

    We introduce the notion of (hybrid) large scale normal space and prove coarse geometric analogues of Urysohn’s Lemma and the Tietze Extension Theorem...

    Jerzy Dydak, Thomas Weighill in Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
    Article 17 March 2018
  16. Fermat–Steiner problem in the metric space of compact sets endowed with Hausdorff distance

    Fermat–Steiner problem consists in finding all points in a metric space Y such that the sum of distances from each of them to the points from some...

    Alexander Ivanov, Alexander Tropin, Alexey Tuzhilin in Journal of Geometry
    Article 25 November 2016
  17. Circle Numbers of Regular Convex Polygons

    The circle number function is extended here to regular convex polygons. To this end, the radius of the polygonal circle is defined as the Minkowski...

    Wolf-Dieter Richter, Kay Schicker in Results in Mathematics
    Article 04 February 2016
  18. Coarse embedding into uniformly convex Banach spaces

    In this paper, the author studies the coarse embedding into uniformly convex Banach spaces. The author proves that the property of coarse embedding...

    Article 12 August 2014
  19. On the geometry of flat surfaces with a single singularity

    If T is a flat torus with boundary and a conical singularity in its boundary then the isometry type of T is determined by the lengths of five closed...

    Charalampos Charitos, Ioannis Papadoperakis in Journal of Geometry
    Article 26 September 2014
  20. Magnitude, Diversity, Capacities, and Dimensions of Metric Spaces

    Magnitude is a numerical invariant of metric spaces introduced by Leinster, motivated by considerations from category theory. This paper extends the...

    Mark W. Meckes in Potential Analysis
    Article 09 October 2014
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