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Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Quantum time/memory/data tradeoff attacks

    One of the most celebrated and useful cryptanalytic algorithms is Hellman’s time/memory tradeoff (and its Rainbow Table variant), which can be used...

    Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, ... Adi Shamir in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 10 October 2023
  2. Characterizing a Time–Memory Tradeoff Against PudgyTurtle

    PudgyTurtle is not a cipher, but rather an alternative way to utilize the keystream in binary-additive stream-cipher cryptosystems. Instead of...

    David A. August, Anne C. Smith in SN Computer Science
    Article Open access 27 June 2023
  3. Shuffle-octave-yolo: a tradeoff object detection method for embedded devices

    Deploying real-time, accurate and efficient object detection algorithms on embedded devices is the basis for robots to perceive the environment....

    Jinwen Chen, Xiaoli Zhang, ... Rui Xin in Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
    Article 02 March 2023
  4. Time-Quality Tradeoff of MuseHash Query Processing Performance

    Nowadays, large quantities of multimedia data are generated by various applications on smartphones, drones and other devices. Facilitating retrieval...
    Maria Pegia, Ferran Agullo Lopez, ... Ioannis Kompatsiaris in MultiMedia Modeling
    Conference paper 2024
  5. Time-Memory Tradeoffs for Large-Weight Syndrome Decoding in Ternary Codes

    We propose new algorithms for solving a class of large-weight syndrome decoding problems in random ternary codes. This is the main generic problem...
    Pierre Karpman, Charlotte Lefevre in Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2022
    Conference paper 2022
  6. Design and Implementation of Fast and Cost-Effective FPGA-Based Fuzzy Rainbow Tradeoffs

    Time/memory tradeoffs are techniques used in cryptanalysis to trade increased memory usage with decreased computation time. We consider the...

    Leonardo Veronese, Francesco Palmarini, ... Flaminia L. Luccio in SN Computer Science
    Article 15 April 2023
  7. Time, Memory and Accuracy Tradeoffs in Side-Channel Trace Profiling

    Template attacks are one of the most powerful classes of side-channel attacks. Template attacks begin with an offline step, in which the side-channel...
    Conference paper 2022
  8. Lower Bounds on the Time/Memory Tradeoff of Function Inversion

    We study time/memory tradeoffs of function inversion: an algorithm, i.e., an inverter, equipped with an s-bit advice on a randomly chosen function...
    Dror Chawin, Iftach Haitner, Noam Mazor in Theory of Cryptography
    Conference paper 2020
  9. Generic attacks on small-state stream cipher constructions in the multi-user setting

    Small-state stream ciphers (SSCs), which violate the principle that the state size should exceed the key size by a factor of two, still demonstrate...

    Jianfu Huang, Ye Luo, ... Ling Song in Cybersecurity
    Article Open access 08 October 2023
  10. LSM-Subgraph: Log-Structured Merge-Subgraph for Temporal Graph Processing

    Temporal graphs, with a time dimension, are attracting increasing interest from research communities. Existing temporal graph storage formats mainly...
    Jingyuan Ma, Zhan Shi, ... Dan Feng in Web and Big Data
    Conference paper 2023
  11. Real-Time Thermal Face Identification System for Low Memory Vision Applications Using CNN

    Image based face identification systems have attained optimal performance. However, the design of such systems often involves some issues related to...
    Rami Reddy Devaram, Alessandro Ortis, ... Valeria Tomaselli in Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges
    Conference paper 2021
  12. Hidden Stream Ciphers and TMTO Attacks on TLS 1.3, DTLS 1.3, QUIC, and Signal

    Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 and the Signal protocol are very important and widely used security protocols. We show that the key update...
    John Preuß Mattsson in Cryptology and Network Security
    Conference paper 2023
  13. Streaming traffic classification: a hybrid deep learning and big data approach

    Massive amounts of real-time streaming network data are generated quickly because of the exponential growth of applications. Analyzing patterns in...

    Mehdi Seydali, Farshad Khunjush, Javad Dogani in Cluster Computing
    Article 18 January 2024
  14. Multi-cost Bounded Tradeoff Analysis in MDP

    We provide a memory-efficient algorithm for multi-objective model checking problems on Markov decision processes (MDPs) with multiple cost...

    Arnd Hartmanns, Sebastian Junges, ... Tim Quatmann in Journal of Automated Reasoning
    Article Open access 28 July 2020
  15. An Optimization Model for the Placement of Mobile Stroke Units

    Mobile Stroke Units (MSUs) are specialized ambulances that can diagnose and treat stroke patients; hence, reducing the time to treatment for stroke...
    Saeid Amouzad Mahdiraji, Muhammad Adil Abid, ... Jesper Petersson in Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability
    Conference paper 2024
  16. Toward Green Federated Learning

    The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as autonomous vehicles and extended reality (XR), has led to an increased reliance on...
    Chapter 2025
  17. From macro to microarchitecture: reviews and trends of SRAM-based compute-in-memory circuits

    The rapid growth of CMOS logic circuits has surpassed the advancements in memory access, leading to significant “memory wall” bottlenecks,...

    Zhaoyang Zhang, Jinwu Chen, ... Jun Yang in Science China Information Sciences
    Article 21 September 2023
  18. IR\(^2\)Net: information restriction and information recovery for accurate binary neural networks

    Weight and activation binarization can efficiently compress deep neural networks and accelerate model inference, but they cause severe accuracy...

    Ping Xue, Yang Lu, ... Zhen Wei in Neural Computing and Applications
    Article 27 March 2023
  19. Real-time passenger bus routing problems with preferences and tradeoffs

    One category of vehicle routing problems involving groups of people where there can be multiple possible drop-off locations is the School Bus Routing...

    Suhendry Effendy, Roland H. C. Yap in Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
    Article 12 October 2022
  20. Adaptive cloud resource allocation for large-scale crowdsourced multimedia live streaming services

    For the global-scale multimedia live streaming services, both of the cost-efficiency at the service provider side and the Quality of Experience (QoE)...

    Jeong-Hoon Kim, Sun-Hyun Kim, ... Seung-Jae Han in Cluster Computing
    Article 25 September 2023
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