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Showing 1-20 of 467 results
  1. Cyclic orbit flag codes

    Clementa Alonso-González, Miguel Ángel Navarro-Pérez in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 28 August 2021
  2. Two new constructions of cyclic subspace codes via Sidon spaces

    A subspace of a finite field is called a Sidon space if the product of any two of its nonzero elements is unique up to a scalar multiplier from the...

    Shuhui Yu, Lijun Ji in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 24 July 2024
  3. A new construction of cyclic subspace codes

    Subspace codes have attracted a lot of attention in the last few decades due to their applications in noncoherent linear network coding, in...

    Yuqing Han, Xiwang Cao in Cryptography and Communications
    Article 13 August 2024
  4. Cyclic constant dimension subspace codes via the sum of Sidon spaces

    Subspace codes are of great use in noncoherent linear network coding (Katti et al in ACM SIGCOMM Comput Commun Rev 38(4):401–412, 2008; Kötter and...

    Yun Li, Hongwei Liu in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 13 November 2022
  5. Two classes of quasi-cyclic codes via irreducible polynomials

    Daitao Huang, Qin Yue, Fengwei Li in Cryptography and Communications
    Article 14 February 2023
  6. Distance Distributions of Cyclic Orbit Codes

    The distance distribution of a code is the vector whose i th entry is the number of pairs of codewords with distance i . We investigate the structure...

    Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, Hunter Lehmann in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 09 January 2021
  7. New constructions of constant dimension subspace codes with large sizes

    Subspace codes have important applications in random network coding. It is a classical problem to construct subspace codes where both their size and...

    Yun Li, Hongwei Liu, Sihem Mesnager in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 08 January 2024
  8. Submodule codes as spherical codes in buildings

    We give a generalization of subspace codes by means of codes of modules over finite commutative chain rings. We define a new class of Sperner codes...

    Mima Stanojkovski in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article Open access 23 March 2023
  9. Further constructions of cyclic subspace codes

    Subspace codes, especially cyclic subspace codes, have attracted a wide attention in the past few decades due to their applications in error...

    He Zhang, Xiwang Cao in Cryptography and Communications
    Article 28 October 2020
  10. Abelian and consta-Abelian polyadic codes over affine algebras with a finite commutative chain coefficient ring

    This paper studies Abelian and consta-Abelian polyadic codes over rings defined as affine algebras over chain rings. For this purpose, we use the...

    Gülsüm Gözde Yılmazgüç, Javier de la Cruz, Edgar Martínez-Moro in Cryptography and Communications
    Article Open access 15 March 2024
  11. Moderate Classical McEliece Keys from Quasi-Centrosymmetric Goppa Codes

    As the development of quantum machines is booming and would threaten our standard cryptography algorithms, a transition period is necessary for the...
    Conference paper 2023
  12. MacWilliams extension property for arbitrary weights on linear codes over module alphabets

    The first author recently proved the extension theorem for linear codes over integer residue rings equipped with the Lee or the Euclidean weight by...

    Serhii Dyshko, Jay A. Wood in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 26 October 2021
  13. The Projective General Linear Group PGL(2, \(5^m\) ) and Linear Codes of Length \(5^m+1\)

    The importance of interactions between groups, linear codes and t-designs has been well recognized for decades. Linear codes that are invariant under...
    Yue Zhao, Chunming Tang, Yanfeng Qi in Arithmetic of Finite Fields
    Conference paper 2023
  14. Equidistant permutation group codes

    We study permutation codes which are groups and all of whose non-identity code elements have the same number of fixed points. It follows that over...

    Fatemeh Jafari, Alireza Abdollahi, ... Reza Sobhani in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 05 January 2022
  15. Quadratic residue codes, rank three groups and PBIBDs

    The automorphism group of the Zetterberg code Z of length 17 (also a quadratic residue code) is a rank three group whose orbits on the coordinate...

    Minjia Shi, Shukai Wang, ... Patrick Solé in Designs, Codes and Cryptography
    Article 31 August 2021
  16. On Codes and Learning with Errors over Function Fields

    It is a long standing open problem to find search to decision reductions for structured versions of the decoding problem of linear codes. Such...
    Maxime Bombar, Alain Couvreur, Thomas Debris-Alazard in Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2022
    Conference paper 2022
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