We have been literally burried in snow in New York. Well, truthfully, some snow and then a whole lot of slush. I've been wearing boots every day to wade through the water that collects at the street corners. Nothing like what my mom has been experiencing in Boston, however. They have many feet of snow and have had intermitent power and lots of wet, heavy snow to shovel. I am still inspired by winter whites. Despite the inconvenience, the snow is so pretty when it first hits. Waking up to white and quiet is lovely and it makes me want to be in the woods.
Stracciatella gelato
(adjust quantity according to the capacity of your maker)
2 cups good heavy cream
1.5 cups good whole milk
1 vanilla pod, split, seeds scraped
scant 1 1/3 cup organic raw cane sugar
1/3 cup chopped dark chocolate
Combine milk, cream, sugar, and vanilla seeds and pod in a heavy sauce pan and heat gently until sugar dissolves completely. Allow mixture to cool to room texture. Remove vanilla pod and refrigerate mixture until well chilled. Pour into gelato maker and operate according to manufacturer's instructions. During the last five minutes of the cycle, add chopped chocolate and allow to distribute throughout. Put in a freezer-safe container and press a layer of freezer or parchment paper on top of mixture before you seal the container lid. Freeze several hours or overnight.
p.s. what does the chili have to do with all of this? nothing!