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We went to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving this year and spent it with Rory's side of the family (his dads side). If you have been following me for awhile, then you know we like to do themed Thanksgivings. This year's theme was Vegas Baby. In the past, we have done movies and tv, Dr. Seuss, Wild Wild West, Colors, and more.
Rory and I thought about what we wanted to be for quite awhile, but didn't want to spend a ton buying costumes and wanted something we could pack. We ended up going with Sigfried and Roy and the white tigers. I got the girls tiger outfits on Amazon awhile back and Rory and I used things from our closet...well I did buy my pants on Wednesday as I wanted a pair of boot cut work pants and they worked better than skinny slacks.
So this was our Thanksgiving weekend. We flew into Vegas on Thursday afternoon, rented a car, got to the family's house, changed, went downstairs and took photos, enjoyed drinks, caught up and had dinner.
I got my hair done recently and it made it very difficult to make my hair into a mans cut. Ha.
My pants/slacks. My shirt was a H&M find for $12 (and it was very wrinkly from being in my bag).
Everyone left and we were able to just head upstairs for bed.
Friday morning, I did some shopping and Black Friday posting and then the girls and I got ready to head over to another family members house for a tea party. I still need to get the group photo we took.
After high tea, the boys came over and then Rory and I headed off for some bourbon hunting. After about 5 stores, we were successful and then we headed to sushi. Just us two and to one of the best sushi places,
Sushi Fever.
We went back to the house, had some ice cream with the girls and watched the Golden Knights game followed by The Godfather (not with the girls).
Saturday we got up, had a leisurely morning, took a long walk around the neighborhood, stopped at Starbucks and then got ready for the Nevada vs. UNLV game. We were not going to go to it as Nevada has lost the last 9 games, now the last 10 games, but we wanted to see the Raiders stadium, so we went to that. We should have went to the Golden Knights game. But at least we saw the Raiders stadium which was beautiful....even though I am not a Raiders or Rebels fan.

Nevada lost, but at least it was a decent game to watch. Then we headed back to the house to pick up the girls and my mother-in-law and went to Ethel M. Chocolates and Botanical Gardens. Our friends told us about a Christmas light display plus free chocolates. We got there and had to wait outside in a long line. It was a bit cold out, but it was so much fun! At the end they give you some chocolates and then you can go inside to purchase more and get more free samples. We each got a chocolate truffle of our choice and then we bought some peppermint bark that is out of this world.
After we were done, we drove back to the house and the girls and my MIL went to bed. Rory and I stayed up with family hanging out before turning in as we had to get up early for our flight home.
Sunday morning our flight was at 8:25 am which sucked, but was great for getting home early enough. We got home, unpacked, went to lunch, grocery shopped, decorated our Christmas tree, watched the Niner game, made dinner and watched more football followed by a Christmas movie.
And that ends our Thanksgiving weekend. It was fun, but a busy weekend! How was your Thanksgiving?