Pepperisms - LP click here for plain text track list
Side 1
1 Los Mac's - F.M. Y CIA. (Valparaiso, Chile)
2 Rockadrome - Ain't It A Shame (Toronto, Canada)
3 Hungaria - Szivarvany (Budapest, Hungary)
4 Los Walkers - 19,8 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
5 Blossom Toes - When The Alarm Clock Rings (Highbury, U.K.)
6 Prudy - Zvonky, Zvonte (Bratislava, Czechoslovakia)
7 The Twilights - Stop The World For A Day (Adelaide, Australia)
8 Los Shakers - I Hope You'll Like It 042 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Side 2
1 Jade - Rest Of My Life (Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.)
2 The October Cherries - Lay Down Your Love (Singapore)
3 The Paper Garden - I Hide (NY, U.S.A.)
4 Ellie Pop - Can't Be Love (Roseville, MI, U.S.A.)
5 Los Mac's - Dear Friend Bob (Valparaiso, Chile)
6 Teddy Robin & The Playboys - You'd Better Cry (Hong Kong)
7 Quentin E. Klopjaeger - Weatherman (South Africa)
8 Los Brincos - Contrabando (Madrid, Spain)
9 Los Shakers - Mas Largo Que El Ciruela (Montevideo, Uruguay)
10 We All Together - It's Us Who Say Goodbye (Peru)
Data last updated 5/14/2021.
This data is based on Menachem Turchick's
Searchin' for Shakes database.
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