The Dave Miller Set appear on the following compilations:
- Australian Pop Of The 60s #2 [Move Baby Move] - CD (Sony, 2009)
- Australian Star Showcase '68 - LP (Festival, 1969)
- Datura Dreamtime - CD (Boobsalot, 1999)
- Day In My Mind's Mind #2 [Fantasies, Polka Dots & Flowers] - CD (EMI, 2008)
- Day In My Mind's Mind #3 [Spinning Spinning Spinning] - CD (EMI, 2008)
- Day In My Mind's Mind #4 [Hurt, Love and Fire] - CD (Frenzy Music, 2014)
- Hot Generation! - CD (Big Beat, 2002)
- Incredible Sound Show Stories #4 [A Trip On The Magic Flying Machine] - LP (Dig The Fuzz, 1995)
- Incredible Sound Show Stories #5 [Yellow Street Boutique] - LP (Dig The Fuzz, 1996)
- No. 8 Wire - CD (Particles, 2012)
- No. 8 Wire - LP (Zero, 1997)
- Peculiar Hole In The Sky - CD (Big Beat, 2002)
- Psych Bites #1 - CD (Past & Present, 2009)
- Sixties Downunder #3 - CD (Raven, 1999)
- So Good Together - The Stars Of Spin Records - LP (Spin, 1968)
- So You Wanna Be A Rock & Roll Star - CD (Festival, 1998)
- So You Wanna Be A Rock & Roll Star #2 - LP (Festival, 1977)
- Top Of The Dial #2 - CD (EMI, 2010)
- Ugly Things #4 [Down Under Dreamtime] - LP (Raven, 1989)
- Upside Down #6 - CD (Particles, 2017)
Data last updated 5/14/2021.
This data is based on Menachem Turchick's
Searchin' for Shakes database.
Send any data additions/corrections or updated band information to the email address on his web site
(click here).
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