The Mops appear on the following compilations:
- Amazing GS #2 [Fuzz Guitar Garage Beats] - CD (Parade, 2002)
- Boulders #7 - LP (Moxie, 1983)
- Boulders Box Set - Box (Moxie, 1989)
- Bring Flowers To The World - CD (Misty Lane, 2007)
- Bring Flowers To The World - LP (Misty Lane, 2001)
- Cult GS 7 Inch Box #3 - Box (Ultra Distribution, 2000)
- Cult GS Box - Box (Solid, 2000)
- Cult GS Collection - Victor - CD (Victor, 1992)
- Electric Psychedelic Sitar Headswirlers #1 - Box (Rubble, 2015)
- Electric Psychedelic Sitar Headswirlers #1 - Box (Past & Present, 2011)
- Electric Psychedelic Sitar Headswirlers #3 - CD (Purple Lantern, 1998)
- Far East! Far Out! - Box (Rubble, 2020)
- G.S. Pop Covers - CD (Teichiku, 2001)
- Garage Zone Box Bonus E.P. - EP (Moxie, 1990)
- Garage Zone Box Set - Box (Moxie, 1990)
- Go-Go Group Sounds Japan - CD (Maniakku-Beat, 2006)
- GS In Psychedelic Paradise - CD (Teichiku, 2001)
- Hot Nips #1 - LP (Dolemite, 1998)
- Love, Peace & Poetry: Asian Psychedelic Music - CD (Normal, 1999)
- Love, Peace & Poetry: Asian Psychedelic Music - LP (Normal, 1999)
- Love, Peace & Poetry: Japanese Psychedelic Music - CD (Normal, 2001)
- Love, Peace & Poetry: Japanese Psychedelic Music - LP (Normal, 2001)
- Nuggets #2: Original Artyfacts From The British Empire And Beyond - Box (Rhino, 2001)
- Project Blue #2 [Psychedelights 1966-70] - LP (Project Blue, 1995)
- Singles #2 - CD (Express, 1991)
- Sixties Japanese Garage-Psych Sampler - LP (Corumbia, 1987)
- Teen Trash From Psychedelic Tokyo #1 [Monster A Go-Go] - LP (Planet X, 1990)
- Teen Trash From Psychedelic Tokyo #2 [Big Lizard Stomp!] - LP (Planet X, 1990)
- Teen Trash From Psychedelic Tokyo #3 [Slitherama] - LP (Planet X, 1991)
- Time Travel - Back To 1966-1969 - LP (Express, )
- Time Tunnel #4 - Tape (, )
- Wildworld #1 [Earthshakers] - CD (Wildworld, 2002)
- Wildworld #2 [Japan Wild Favorites!] - CD (Wildworld, 2002)
- You Gotta Have Moxie #2 - CD (Archive International Productions, 1999)
Data last updated 5/14/2021.
This data is based on Menachem Turchick's
Searchin' for Shakes database.
Send any data additions/corrections or updated band information to the email address on his web site
(click here).
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Note: since some of you haven't figured it out yet, this database is for informational
purposes only. We ain't selling anything so please don't ask where to buy something or how to order.
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