Dog Poet Transmitting.......
I know that many of you enjoyed yesterday's Visible Origami so... I will continue in that theme for one more post. Here is an angel happening!-
"Angels may appear to anyone, regardless of religious backgrounds or beliefs. Case in point… in 1985 a Russian space scientist defected and then told what had happened to 6 cosmonauts aboard the Soyuz 7 space station. After orbiting the Earth for 155 days, a band of Angels had miraculously appeared outside their spacecraft. Leonid Kizim, Vladimir Solovov and Oleg Atkov were working on routine medical experiments when suddenly they were nearly blinded by a brilliant orange light from outside the orbiting laboratory. It took a few seconds for their eyes to adjust to the astonishing radiance, but then, according to the secret report, they saw “seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mist-like halos as in the classic depiction of Angels. They appeared to be hundreds of feet tall with a wingspan as great as a jetliner.”
Angels are remarkable beings and belong to different ranks in the celestial order. Here is a brief and cogent article on angels and their placements. In The West we call them 'angels' and in The East they are called 'devas'. As many of you know, I am no fan of the rank and file, supercilious airhead brigade of New Age Hucksters. This DOES NOT MEAN there are not good people there and informed people, who labor at their tasks for the benefit of humanity. There are but... there are also far too many freakish refugees from truth, with names like Alabama Boomslang Earth Mother, Rainbow Hallelujah Morning Glory and Princess Wackado Sunrise.
One has only to enter into an occult spiritual bookstore, as I did recently in Sedona, to see how far out far out has actually gotten these days. Let me assure you, it has gotten FAR OUT and traversed the Bridge of No Deposit No Return, by way of the Bending End, with a Left Handed Skyhook, instead of a compass. On my recent visit I saw dozens... DOZENS AND DOZENS of different Tarot Decks. Some of them really take Niche Dweller to a whole new level. They even have them for The Gays and Transgenders and practically every New Age icon has their own deck, from the recently departed Dr. Dyer to the venerable yogic master, Rama Llama Yakshit. I ran into Dr. Dyer once on Maui;... moving right along.
I've had years of exposure to Reiki Masters; who went to two weekend seminars, climaxing in a 4 day intensive, after which they got a 'Reiki Master' certificate, as well as channelers, psychics and Tantra 'experts'. So far, this site is still my favorite for a clear and inarguable example of what it is that sets me off, as well as my teeth on edge and this page gives Pictures and Profiles of the delightful EXPERTS you 'would have' encountered on this ♫ won't you let me take you on a ♫ sea cruise. I am ESPECIALLY ENAMOURED of the redoubtable Susan Shumsky (3rd or 4th time mentioned here).
Her credentials, accomplishments and general, 'way cooler and smarter than even God' persona, touches me in ways and places I would have preferred never to have taken place. She is assuredly more risible than possessing of gravitas and what do you know? She's genetically empowered to do this.
You see what happens? As soon as I think of the New Age it sets me off and I really shouldn't lump everyone together in the same self serving, snatching and grabbing, take no prisoners, pigpen of wild eyed, flaming appetite and all consuming greed.
The thing is... I KNOW what it takes to master even rudimentary skills. As a result, these people come off looking like carny barkers to me; snake oil saleswhatevers; WHO PROFITEER off of people's hopes and dreams, miseries and fears. Somehow they have convinced themselves that it is alright to do this and the next thing you know they are booking family centric, get to know you, sleepover sea cruises, with Drag Queen Story hour characters, like it was some kind of Disney tour.
Yes... there are good and decent, sincere people who are associated with The New Age, however... even well meaning people can be misled and then... misleading and you have the blind following the blind. How do you know who is righteous and who is not? Some grifters are slick as slick can be. They will clean and press your suit, while you are still in it. Rather than go on and on here about the truth concerning angels, how to reach angels and all the how's, why's and wherefores, simply look at these pages after pages, after pages of WTF. Getting lost is not a problem at all. Getting found is the problem.
I'm going to give out a few directions here, as always, free of charge (don't trust anything that isn't) just in case there are readers out there who might want to make contact with The Devic Realm. Although there are protocols for making contact, I suggest another approach, a way 'other than' trying to make contact and that is to behave as the sort of person who will naturally attract angels. Angels, animals, you and I, can all be had by putting out the right bait and LOVE is the ultimate bait.
Angels are watching us all the time. For many of them, that is THEIR JOB. Whenever an angel sees a human being employing any of the blessed virtues in their daily activities, THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO THEM. Those so engaged, after awhile, give off a perfume, as well as a radiance. IN THESE TIMES, angels are drawing nearer than they have in ever so long. These times are times of dramatic transiting and change. Destinies are being routed and sorted on a cosmic level. A soul COULD GET VERY FORTUNATE in these times. This is one of the reasons that the distractions are so great and why YOU NEED to free yourself from them.
It is a perfectly natural thing for children to have Invisible Friends. Puberty is a rite of passage that, in most cases, removes this ability. This is why the acquisition of Regenerated Innocence, as opposed to Senility, IS A BIG DEAL ...but most people move right on by. For some reason, there is a cognitive dissonance that affects one's awareness of The Invisible Plane. There are some good reasons for this, because the Invisible Plane is not an across the board, friendly place. You can get into all kinds of trouble there and it is imperative to have a guide. I was taken there once to disabuse me of my delusion that it is all an enchanted wonderland, brushed with fairy dust; it's not. Angels are the primary resource for such guides, along with the 'spiritually illumined'.
At that search engine link a few paragraphs ago, there are many videos of rapacious materialists looking to make a few bucks (or MUCH MORE) off of the gullible and unwary. Not enough of us break into laughter when watching these clowns; we should. There should be orange cones around these people with a sign that says, “DANGER... disappointment ahead.”
Angels are not only radiant creatures with wings. They go about among us as human beings. Sometimes they are sitting on the sidewalk, with a cap in front of them, with a few coins and bills in it. I'm being serious here. Sometimes they are sitting on a barstool next to you, or on a plane or train. Sometimes they are on a beach. IF you behave as one deserving of their company, YOU WILL GET THEIR COMPANY but it might take awhile. You need to be determined. We often mention, FAITH, CERTITUDE AND DETERMINATION here. These are priceless attributes that are ESSENTIAL qualities that you simply MUST HAVE.
I am writing about this today, because more than one of you will have the opportunity for such an encounter, if you do make the effort to behave as has been already stated. This is what I have been told, in any case. As I have said, probably more than I should have, (but always for good reason) there are people who are not fond of me, or the things that I say. It is not just human beings who are disturbed by what gets said here. There are other entities that have a big investment in any or all of us, falling short of our potential, MOST ESPECIALLY in these times. These entities are on the Invisible Plane, just as the angels are. They are also- can be- right inside our heads and are responsible for feelings of doubt, unfounded suspicion, envy and jealousy, fear, anger and all manner of bad attractions. Our minds are like airports, thoughts- like planes- are landing and taking off all the time. You really do need to have a competent air traffic controller.
One of the most critical tasks that angels perform is TO WARN US, when we have stepped off course, or about people we need to be warned about. It is hard for me to imagine a friend more valuable than an angel. God alone would qualify in that respect. Angels draw near to you when YOU RESONATE HARMONICALLY with them. Everything in life is vibration at different frequencies. It is very important to pay attention to our sympathetic strings.
I KNOW that what I am talking about is NOT EASY. This is why so many people give up after only a brief effort at all kinds of things. “It's too hard!” (whine whine). Of course it's hard, IN THE BEGINNING. Why is it so hard for people to change their diet? This is because of the predisposition of your taste buds. It take TEN DAYS for your taste buds to change. In these times, few people will stick to this for ten days. On top of that, while you are trying to change, the memory patterns of your old tastes intensify. It is the same thing with trying to change your life, or break any habit. You HAVE TO BE COMMITTED. However, IF YOU KNOW what the result will be... ah... then you have a strong ally. Here again, is where FAITH, CERTITUDE and DETERMINATION can be VERY helpful.
You HAVE TO become the sort of person that angels want to hang out with. All the other suggestions of how to get their attention are useless, if you are not the sort of person they want to be around. They most definitely will not stay around, unless you are that person, or BECOMING THAT PERSON. Angels are here to help us with our struggles and... as you proceed, the relationship can dramatically intensify if you are determined. ♫ It's getting better all the time ♫
It's all there for you my friends. Wonders, far beyond what can be presently imagined, await you. There are splendorous places to aspire to and you get there by BEHAVING IN A CERTAIN CONSISTENT FASHION. That really is all it takes. If you fall away, after a short effort in the right direction; whose fault is that? Success is guaranteed if you persist and there are angels near by who will whisper encouragements in your ear, all along the way. I have personal evidence of this and I am no more deserving than you are, as far as potential and possibilities go. Have at it with a will!!!
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
♫ Pocketnet, Pocketnet where do you roam? Pocketnet, Pocketnet, far, far from home; a young cowboy named Pocketnet grew restless on the farm... Yo! Don't take your guns to Pocketnet son, leave your guns at home boy, don't take your guns to Pocketnet ♫
(The whole Coronavirus thing has now come together in my head and I get why Bill Gates is involved with the vaccine and... well... there are so many angles here and it's not my field anyway so... this article from Fox News should provoke your Objective Capacity, enough to fill in a whole lot of blanks. I could literally hear and feel the dominoes tumbling as I read it.)