Monday, December 29, 2008
Grant Park during Lollapalooza
Friday, December 26, 2008
Chicago Is Segregrated, Big Surprise
The article essentially says that the North side is white, the West and South side is Black, and the Northwest and Southwest sides are Hispanic. Yes, this is a generalization, but overall this is probably accurate.
It's an interesting read, especially for those of us who live in the South Loop. The reason we say this is because much of the South Loop is a new neighborhood. The article makes the point that newer cities with a "blank slate" (ie San Jose, Austin, Phoenix) usually tend to be more racially integrated and older cities (ie Chicago) tend to be more segregated.
Since the South Loop neighborhood could fall into the category of "blank slate" we feel that our neighborhood is more integrated. However, this point could be argued.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Olympic Village - More Info
Friday, December 19, 2008
What is the Vietnam Veterans Art Museum?
The National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum inspires greater understanding of the real impact of war with a focus on Vietnam. The museum collects, preserves and exhibits art inspired by combat and created by veterans.Pretty specific focus and pretty interesting concept, but I doubt I'm going to go...sorry just not my thing. If you're not a member of the museum then it costs $10 to go for adults and $7 for students. Enjoy, but go soon because the Chicago Journal just reported that the museum is eventually going to move since it can't afford the space. The city is going to take over the land and convert it into a field house to serve the prairie district and the greater South Loop neighborhood.
What does this mean? Well it's not completely decided yet, but the neighborhood was surveyed and said it would like arts and educational activities, sports and exercising space and potentially even a rock climbing wall...yes a ROCK CLIMBING WALL! Just what the neighborhood needs.
So in all seriousness, if you're intrigued by the Vietnam Veterans Art Museum I would suggest you go sooner than later. Or you will have to go check it out at it's new location...which hasn't been decided on.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Alderman Appprove Olympic Village Deal
If you read this article on the Chicago Tribune, please read the user comments as well, pretty entertaining. Not one positive comment...but that's too be expected given the current economic climate. The governor's corruption case also puts a spotlight on the bid and make people pretty skeptical and cynical about any government program or action.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A True Local Market

My personal favorite at Panozzo's are their sandwiches, which are fresh and large. Although some of the chain's claim to have great deals, I still believe that Panozzo's has the best deal in regards to what you get for the price. Sandwiches range from $6-$8, but they're large and have much superior ingredients then any of the changes.
Lastly, the people are super nice. Every time I go in they're warm, respectful and seem to genuinely appreciate my business. The same can't be said at Jewel...
Friday, December 12, 2008
2016 Bid Would Generate $22.5 Billion in Economic Activity
This far exceeds the cost to put on the Olympics which is being estimated at $4.7 Billion. However, many skeptics will point out that estimates are purely estimates in Chicago. Look at other major public projects (Millennium Park, Soldier Field, etc.) that were late and way over budget.
The other suspect thing about this $22.5 billion number is that the study seems to have been funded by the 2016 bid. So one would think the numbers would support the bids intentions.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
USA Today on the US TV Rights Negotiations
They sum it up well:
TV profits are, of course, largely a product of advertising revenue, and all that money is the backbone of the Olympic movement's financial statement.
TV rights made up 53 percent of the IOC's revenues from 2001-2004, and the percentage figures to be around the same for the four-year period ending in 2008. NBC paid $894 million to televise this year's Beijing Games, more than double what the European Broadcasting Union paid to televise the games to the entire continent. Chinese television, meanwhile, paid $7 million.
Given its huge financial stake in the games, NBC negotiated with Olympic organizers to move some high-profile swimming and gymnastics events to the morning in China so they could be televised in prime time in America.
Although such an arrangement might be possible if the Olympics go overseas again, most signs point toward American bidders paying more to televise an Olympics on their home turf, where scheduling changes would not have to be made and where the hype would be more easily felt.
More Information About the Olympic Village Real Estate Deal
We still get caught up when we read that the seller (Medline Industries Inc.) will give a "charitable" donation to the city. It all smells fishy...but I guess that's to be expected in Chicago these days.
Museum Park One Update
According to YoChicago 64 original units are still on the sale block:
Most of those are priced above the $1 million mark, but there are a few two-bedrooms left in the low $800s and even a single 955 square-foot one-bedroom priced below $500,000.There are also currently 22 units that are being sold through brokers and 20 units available for rental.
Office Depot Closing Store at Southgate Market
This is the second big tenant in this complex to close its doors (Linens-n-Things being the other). It's an interesting development considering, Best Buy and Bed, Bath and Beyond just opened huge new stores caddy corner from this complex.
Also of interest is the Roosevelt Collection which is said to have upwards of 1Million square feet of retail space. Although it's not open yet, it looks like it's on pace to open sometime next spring/summer.
There could be a lot of big retail vacancies on the market next year.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Follow-Up: IOC to Postpone Negotiations about US TV Rights
As we posted earlier this week, the IOC has now said it will postpone negotiations for the US TV Rights. Again, this could be beneficial for the Chicago bid because the conventional wisdom goes that potential bidders (NBC, ESPN and FOX) would pay more for the rights if the Olympics were held in their primary national markets.
The IOC's top TV negotiator was quoted in the article by and also sees this as potentially beneficial for the IOC:
He added that knowing the host city could be an advantage in negotiations, especially if Chicago won. "It could, as this removes some of the uncertainty and could work to our advantage".The question then becomes, will the IOC members who vote on the bid city be swayed by this news? If Chicago gets the 2016, the IOC could stand to make more money...
What Not to Say When You Want Help From Obama
“It’s bad enough all these white folks have moved here and pushed ‘our’ people out and into the suburbs. Now the city wants to force the few remaining Blacks living in Bronzeville out by displacing them with the Olympics,” said Nathan Kunjufuwon, executive director of Black Pride. “Obama is a brother and lives five minutes from Bronzeville, so he knows what this community means to Blacks, and if he is true to his word, he will step up to help us save ‘our’ community.”
Yea, I'm sure Obama is going to step in and help you...Just like he helped Rev. Wright when he was making racist comments.
The Cynics Have Some Meat to Feast On
Here is Gapers Block's dire take on yesterday's story about the Olympic Village and it's relation to corruption and the recent events:
While most of us stood in amazement at the criminal complaint filed against G-Rod yesterday, you can bet that after hearing the news, Daley's mind immediately gravitated to its impact on Chicago's Olympic bid. Just as the first thought through Blagojevich's head following Obama's election victory was, "I'm to make some [expletive] money off this thing,"
What an Idiot!

But we're not here to talk about his stupidity, but more importantly how this effects the Olympic Bid. According to some IOC officials that were quoted in the Chicago Tribune, Blagojevich is 'irrelevant' to the cities Olympic bid.
Although this is good news (depending on how you view the bid), we find it hard to believe. When the most prominent state government official is in the news for corruption, it's not good. It taints the city, state and everyone and everything associated with it (including the Olympic Bid).
As most people know (especially long time residents of the area), Chicago is infamous for its political corruption. Although Sloopin still supports the bid, it does give us some pause when this type of blatant manipulation and corruption still remain so prevalent. It's going to cost a lot to stage the Olympics in Chicago (if we get it) and with that comes a lot of opportunity for corruption, favors and kickbacks.
At least we won't have to worry about Blago...but something tells me there are other corrupt officials waiting to step in.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Future of the Olympics
Ok so the 3022 Olympics might be a little different then the 2016 Olympics, but one thing remains constant "There was a bit of a budget snafu".
Soldier Field: The Spaceship has Landed
As I froze, one of the many things that caught my attention was the design of Soldier Field. The most recent renovation has been met with a wide range of reviews. The New York Times called it one of the best new buildings of 2003, while one Chicago Tribune architecture critic dubbed it the "eyesore on the Lake Shore."
Personally, I think it has an interesting exterior design. Yes it looks like a spaceship landed on the old Soldier Field, but in my opinion it's an interesting example of modern progressive architecture blending with a historic venue. Regardless of your views on the exterior, the interior is a great place to watch an event. The stadium seating is very steep and as a result there aren't many bad seats. Another interesting thing about the stadium is that the entire east side has an enclosed, indoor concourse (which is unusual for football stadiums as far as I'm aware). As it stands now, Soldier Field is the smallest stadium in the NFL in terms of seating capacity (61,500).

For those of you who are unaware of the remodeling here are two images. The first is the old stadium prior to the space ship renovation (from the south side):

The next picture is after the renovation:

The funny thing about the stadium is that since 1984 it was on the list of National Register of Historic Places, but after the renovation this designation was revoked (in 2003).
I still like the place!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Olympic Village Deal Back On
Complications arose earlier this year when demolition estimates soared. The new deal is supposed to be announced on Tuesday and has Medline chipping in more money:
The newly hammered-out deal with the Mundelein-based hospital supplier raises the overall price on the 37-acre property by $1 million, but it also significantly boosts the sum the seller will contribute toward demolition and site remediation, from $20 million to as much as $32. 5 million, sources said.As you can see by the picture below this land (highlighted in red) is prime real estate:
Good news for the Chicago 2016 bid...
How Does Business Effect the Olympic Bidding Process
It talks about the US broadcasting rights for the 2014 and 2016 Olympics. This is a side story to the bidding process, but nonetheless important since ESPN, NBC, FOX, etc. most likely will pony up billions of dollars to broadcast the games.
Since the US rights are the most lucrative to the Olympics (as compared to Asia, Europe, etc.), it's often said that the IOC likes to have the games staged in the US because it appeases the broadcast partners and their potential advertisers/sponsors.
One theory is that this is an advantage for Chicago's bid because broadcast partners (ie NBC) and sponsors (McDonalds, Visa, etc.) would like to have the Olympics in their primary markets rather then secondary, foreign markets (like Rio).
The thing to note from the article is that the IOC is rumored to be contemplating awarding the broadcast rights after they decide where the 2016 games would be held (normally they award broadcast rights prior to naming the host city). If this happens, I think it sends a strong signal that the IOC is aware and looking to optimize how much they can get for the next round of Broadcast rights.
Although this is only one of many variables that the IOC will look at when determining the host city, I think it's a big plus for the Chicago bid. After all, the IOC is a business and at the end of the day it needs capital to exist.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Roosevelt Collection Update
Also of interest is that the sales person says they will be disclosing the retail tenants next month (January 2009). There is space for a ton of retail...the one thing I'm hoping for is a Chipotle!
South Loop Review: Gyms & Fitness Clubs: Bally’s Fitness Club
The club is actually rather large and has most desired amenities that one would need: cardio, free weights, machine weights, numerous class rooms, racquetball, squash, pool, sauna and steam room. I'm probably missing a couple things, but the moral of the story is that they have a full fledged fitness club. When I went it wasn't busy and there were plenty open machines (both cardio and weights) to use.
The club looks to be a little dated and doesn't have a some of the bells and whistles that the newer clubs have (ie individual TV's on cardio equipment, towel service, the lockers require your own lock, etc.). However, you get what you pay for and Bally's is considerably less expensive then some of the other gyms.
In terms of price, for two people it was approximately $35-45 per month per person (not including the initiation fee). This also get you access to other Bally's locations throughout the county, which is nice since they have a lot of locations.
I like the price, but the location doesn't work for me (the fact that there isn't free parking is also a problem in my eyes). The El isn't very close and Wells isn't the easiest street to get to. If you live in Printer's Row or north of Roosevelt I would tell you to strongly consider this gym, but if not, don't bother.
Bally's River City - Yelp Review
Sloopin Fitness Club/Gym Review - Check it
Daaaaammmmnnnnnn, Lou Makes Good Pizza
So earlier this week, we hit up the new Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria at
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Leave it to the Chicago Reader
They do bring up points that need to be considered (ie the cities propensity to underestimate costs and its cronyism), but in typical fashion they avoid talking about the positive attributes the Olympics could bring to
Amtrack Reaches Deal with Canadian National Railroad
The purpose of these acquisitions was so that CN could avoid the bottleneck of train tracks that occurs within and around the city. With these new moves, CN now has the ability to use newly acquired tracks, which will enable the rerouting of trains to avoid the city. This in turn will help improve efficiencies in regards to time, costs and labor.

The main opponent of these plans seems to be coming from the wealthy suburbs (mainly Barrington). Since the plan calls for cargo trains to avoid the City of Chicago, as a result many suburbs will get more train traffic. As you can imagine, these powerful and rich suburbs aren't happy and are citing a variety of reasons as to why this shouldn't happen. It sounds like it's mostly just an inconvenience to them from what we've read (like waiting at train crossings in their Hummers for 5 minutes).
The one plausible point they make is that emergency vehicles could be stuck at a train crossing which could prevent them from getting to their destinations in a timely manner. Although this sounds like a reasonable gripe, something tells me there are alternative routes and bridges that could resolve this issue.
For South Loop residents, these developments are good. Essentially all cargo trains will avoid the city. Besides our benefit, it sounds as if it would also be great for the country and city in terms of GDP.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Maxwell Market Vendors Feel the Squeeze
Gioco: A South Loop Gem
In typical Kleiner fashion, the décor is distinct and unusual. However, the decorations aren’t as over the top and whimsical as some of his other restaurants (ie Room 21, Carnivale and Opera). The exposed brick and low lighting levels provide an intimate and warm feeling which provides a subtle romantic atmosphere. The kitchen is open to the dinning room for those interested in watching the chefs scramble. The bar area isn’t huge, but has an interesting and hypnotic red glow that gives it an unusual “loungey” type of feel.
During the warmer months, the front windows of the restaurant swing open and lead to a couple of tables on the
In terms of the food, we’ve been twice and loved the tortellini. The veal dish however received mixed reviews from our table. Most recently we tried the scallops, which were very tender and had a great tasting garlic flavor. Like most Italian restaurants, wine is a staple and Gioco doesn’t disappoint. Their list is extensive if that’s your thing.
The place is usually very busy on the weekends and caters to the later dinner crowd. So if you’re up for an earlier dinner you will have no problem getting in, however after 7:30 I would make sure to call before hand.
As our good friend Borat would say, “Weee Liiiiike”! Hope you do too.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Jones College Prep to Get a Brand New School?

If the school is going to expand, I truly hope it allows South Loop students to attend the school or at least be given additional points on their application to the school (especially if the school plans to use TIFs from the neighborhood).
"The Future of The CTA on the South Side"
They also have an interesting bit about a "Gold Line" which would run on the Metra tracks from Millenium Station along the lake front down to 93rd street.
The "Gold Line" concept is similar to our post entitled "Sloopin's Grand Plan" that we published in October. The main problem and difference from Sloopin's plan is that the "Gold Line" doesn't physically connect with the existing CTA lines. They proposed a transfer fee (ie - 25 cents similar to transferring from a train to a bus) but we think a physical connection is a very important step to the legitimacy of this idea. We understand that this would cost a lot of money, but without this connection, in our eyes it's really not part of the EL. Here is their proposed "Gold Line":