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Angola Travel Tips and Information

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Official NameRepublic of Angola
Population28.8 million
Country CodeAO
Country Code (international calls)244

The flight time to Angola is approximately ---- hours. Check the climate, currency, religion, manners, other information of Angola below. Wishing you pleasant travels to Angola.

The Republic of Angola is located in Central Africa and is bordered by Namibia in the south, Zambia in the east and the Republic of Congo, as well as the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the north.

Visa and Immigration Procedures to Angola

Travelers should not purchase air tickets before visa approval is obtained. Angolan visa requirements discourage tourism, especially in comparison with other Southern African countries that give many nationalities visa on arrival. All nationalities, except those who hold passports from Namibia, must obtain a visa prior to arrival. Nationals of Cape Verde can obtain a visa on arrival, provided it has been pre-arranged before departure.

Things/Items Allowed into Angola

Travelers may bring in 400 individual cigarettes, 2 liters of wine, 1 liter of spirits and 50 ml of perfume.

Things/Items Forbidden out of Angola

・ Gold

Things/Items Forbidden into Angola

・ Weapons ・ Narcotics

Voice of Travelers to Angola

Egyptair Delivers

I have heard many stories about Angola, especially in Luanda where living is so costly. It was painful trying to secure a visa to visit Angola which took months to obtain. I bought an Egyptair ticket for my trip to Angola. I was having jitters and was very nervous but the flight crew made sure I had the best flight experience. We arrived in Angola safe and sound. I made sure that my return ticket was with Egyptair. And whenever I go for trips abroad, not only to Angola, I always make it a point to get my ticket from Egyptair.

Kindness in Luanda

I lost my return ticket somewhere in Luanda. I was upset over the lost ticket and was thinking what can I do to get back my ticket. All I could think about was my lost ticket and the cost it would entail to purchase another ticket. I have heard negative comments about the peace and order in Angola hence I was a bit hesitant to buy a ticket for this trip. I decided to travel with Kenyan Airlines. My one-way ticket to Angola was not so bad at all. I was so anxious to travel to the hotel alone but the taxi driver was friendly and offered to purchase a return ticket for me.

Angola is Not What I Expected

I have purchased a ticket to travel to Angola. I was not really keen on going to this part of the world because I've heard some negative comments about Angola. My travel agency briefed me on what to expect when I arrived there. Of course, there are some unfriendly faces who "welcomed" me, but good people also exist in Angola. Friendly people showed me the ins and outs of Angola. Your visit is really an adventure so enjoy every minute before you line up to purchase a return ticket.

Angola Travel FAQs

Q. What is the climate like in Angola?

A. The weather is generally warm year-round although there are differences from region to region. The dry season is from May to October, and the rainy season is from November to April. The coastal strip is tempered by the cool Benguela Current, resulting in a climate similar to coastal Peru or Baja California. It is semiarid in the South and along the coast to Luanda.

Angola - Direct Flights to Major Airports

Airports handling direct flights toLuanda International Airport・ London International Airport  etc.

Flight Routes to Angola

TAAG Linhas Aereas de Angola has flights between Luanda and some states in Africa, for example to South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Congo. TAAG recently started to have two or three weekly flights to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo and daily to Lisbon. Other airlines that offer flights to Angola include Emirates, Royal Air Maroc, Air France, British Airways, Lufthansa and TAP Air Portugal.