Nine Year Doctor Appointment

Hadley had her nine-year doctor appointment yesterday. Here are her stats from the appt:

Height: 4′ 4.36″ (50th percentile)
Weight: 75 lbs (79th percentile)
BMI: 19.23 (86th percentile)
Blood Pressure: 100/60
Pulse: 94

Hadley’s 9 Year Dr Appt

Hadley got weighed, measured, checked her vitals, and the nurse pricked her finger to checked her cholesterol (Levels came back normal: Total: 191, HDL: 50, Tri: 199, LDL: 102, Non HDL: 141, TC/HDL: 3.8). Then the doctor came in and went over the usual questions about her routine, diet, school, and friends. She passed it all with flying colors. She won’t get any immunizations until she’s 12 but she did get her flu shot. All in all, an easy appointment.