Raw vs cooked carrots - Shilpsnutrilife

Raw vs cooked carrots

Cooked carrots 🥕are actually more nutritious than raw ones as the heat makes the nutrients, especially beta-carotene, more bioavailable so we get more out of what we eat. …

Cooking and processing (such as chopping or puréing)helps release the carotenoids, which are bound to the cell wall “matrix” of the vegetables.

If the matrix is not broken down, it’s not released and you’ll only absorb a small percentage of the total amount in the food you’re eating. Chopping helps disrupt the matrix and heating releases even more, which means that cooking lets your body get more beta-carotene.

Whether you prefer raw or cooked, you also need to add some healthy fat (As the nutrient is fat soluble vitamin) to the meal to assist the nutrient’s absorption.

Go ahead enjoy both raw and cooked carrots.. 🥕

#carrots #betacarotene #vitaminA #shilpsnutrilife #eyehealth #nutritionforeyes

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