Best 90s Sitcoms
24 items ranked
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Although Friends was a funny show with very good, witty writing, its real strength was in the characters and their relationships with each other. The audience truly cared whether Ross ended up with Rachel, whether Chandler and Monica would have a baby, if Joey would ever get his big break, and if Phoebe would ever reconnect with her father.
Everybody really did love Raymond...and Marie, and Frank, and Robert. No matter how much they drove each other crazy, they were still family, and this show demonstrated how deep family ties can go, which made it worth watching and feeling good about.
The Simpsons are one of the most recognizable families in America. The show is the longest-running sitcom, the longest-running animated program, and the longest-running primetime entertainment series in the history of U.S. television, which should tell you all you need to know about the popularity of this show.
One of the funniest shows ever, Seinfeld was such a popular show that many of its quips and characters have become part and parcel of everyday slang and pop culture references.
Based on the stand-up comedy of Tim Allen, Home Improvement was a very funny look at family life with Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor ruling the roost and proving again and again that men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
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