“Brother of the Moon ” Fantasy, 2007
The Burning Girl novel Prime Books, 2006
“By the Light of Tomorrow's Sun” In the Palace of Repose, 2005
The Engine's Child novel Ballantine Del Rey, 2008
“In the Palace of Repose ” short fiction HP Lovecraft's Magazine of Horror #1
In the Palace of Repose collection Prime Books, 2005
“One of the Hungry Ones ” In the Palace of Repose, 2005
“The Other Grace ” short fiction In the Palace of Repose Prime Books, 2005
“Proving the Role ” A Book of Wizards, 2008
Tesseracts Eleven (
Cory Doctorow & HP, eds.) anthology Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2007
“Three Days of Rain ” short fiction Asimov's Jun 2007