(11 nominations; 1 win)
Fall of the Dagger (Hachette Australia)
fantasy novel nomination
The Dagger's Path (Hachette Australia)
fantasy novel nomination
The Watergivers: The Last Stormlord (2009), Stormlord Rising (2010), Stormlord’s Exile (2011) (HarperVoyager)
Sara Douglass Book Series winner
The Lascar's Dagger (Hachette Australia)
fantasy novel nomination
Stormlord's Exile (HarperVoyager)
fantasy novel nomination
Stormlord Rising (Harper Voyager)
fantasy novel nomination
The Last Stormlord (HarperVoyager)
fantasy novel nomination
Song of the Shiver Barrens (Voyager)
fantasy novel nomination
Heart of the Mirage (HarperCollins)
fantasy novel nomination
The Tainted (HarperCollins)
fantasy novel nomination
The Aware (HarperCollins)
fantasy novel nomination
Ditmar Awards
for Australian SF/F, voted by members of Australian National SF Convention
(5 nominations; 1 win)
The Tangled Lands (Wizard's Tower)
novel nomination
The Dagger's Path (Orbit)
novel nomination
The Lascar's Dagger (Hachette)
novel winner (tie)
Stormlord Rising (Harper Voyager)
novel nomination
new talent nomination