special convention award winner
IAFA Awards
for scholarship, grad student, and service, presented by IAFA
Distinguished Scholarship winner
Hugo Awards
for SF/F works, voted by members of annual World Science Fiction Convention
(8 nominations; 2 wins)
Bury My Heart at W.H. Smith's (Avernus; Hodder & Stoughton)
nonfiction book nomination
Trillion Year Spree (by BWA with
David Wingrove) (Gollancz; Atheneum)
nonfiction book
The Pale Shadow of Science (Serconia Press)
nonfiction book nomination
“Enemies of the System ” (F&SF Jun 1978)
novella nomination
“Total Environment ” (Galaxy Feb 1968)
novelette nomination
“Man in His Time ” (Who Can Replace a Man?)
short story nomination
“Hothouse” (F&SF Feb,Apr,Jul,Sep,Dec 1961)
short fiction winner
new author of 1958 nomination
Nebula Awards
for SF/F works, voted by SF & Fantasy Writers of America professional membership
(5 nominations; 1 win)
Helliconia Winter (Atheneum)
novel nomination
Helliconia Spring (Atheneum)
novel nomination
“Total Environment ” (Galaxy Feb 1968)
novelette nomination
“Man in His Time ” (Who Can Replace a Man?)
short story nomination
“The Saliva Tree ” (F&SF Sep 1965)
novella winner (tie)
(3 nominations; 1 win)
The Secret of This Book (HarperCollins UK; St. Martin's)
collection nomination
“The God Who Slept with Women ” (Asimov's May 1994)
novella nomination
(6 nominations; 5 wins)
Non-Stop (Faber)
Best Novel of 1958 winner
Helliconia Winter (Cape)
novel winner
Helliconia Summer (Cape; Atheneum)
novel nomination
Helliconia Spring (Cape; Atheneum)
novel winner
Billion Year Spree
special award winner
The Moment of Eclipse (Faber & Faber)
(2 nominations; 1 win)
HARM (Del Rey)
Helliconia Spring (Atheneum)
Locus Awards
for SF/F/H works, polled by readers of Locus Magazine
(40 nominations; 1 win)
Finches of Mars (The Friday Project)
sf novel 13th place
An Exile on Planet Earth: Articles and Reflections (Bodleian Library)
non-fiction 5th place
A Science Fiction Omnibus (Penguin UK)
anthology 19th place
HARM (Del Rey; Duckworth)
sf novel 18th place
Cultural Breaks (Tachyon)
collection 21st place
“The Hibernators ” (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2003)
short story 9th place (tie)
“Steppenpferd ” (F&SF Feb 2000)
short story 33rd place
“An Apollo Asteroid ” (Moon Shots)
short story 18th place (tie)
The Twinkling of an Eye or My Life as an Englishman (Little, Brown UK; St. Martin's)
nonfiction 2nd place
“Into the Tunnel! ” (Asimov's Apr 1995)
short story 13th place
The Secret of This Book (HarperCollins UK; St. Martin's)
collection 15th place
The Detached Retina (Liverpool University Press; Syracuse University Press)
nonfiction 5th place
“The Madonna of Futurity ” (Universe 3)
novella 16th place
“The God Who Slept with Women ” (Asimov's May 1994)
novelette 16th place
“Friendship Bridge ” (New Worlds 3)
novelette 20th place
A Tupolev Too Far (HarperCollins UK; St. Martin's)
collection 21st place
“Horse Meat ” (Interzone #65 Nov 1992)
novelette 9th place
Bury My Heart at W.H. Smith's (Avernus)
nonfiction 6th place
Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (Gollancz)
collection 24th place
The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction (BWA &
Sam J. Lundwall, eds.) (Penguin)
anthology 23rd place
…And the Lurid Glare of the Comet (Serconia Press)
nonfiction 13th place
Trillion Year Spree (by BWA with
David Wingrove) (Gollancz)
Helliconia Winter (Atheneum)
sf novel 5th place
The Pale Shadow of Science (Serconia Press)
nonfiction/reference 2nd place
“The Gods in Flight ” (Interzone #9 Autumn 1984; Asimov's mid-Dec 1984)
short story 24th place
Seasons in Flight (Jonathan Cape)
collection 14th place
Helliconia Summer (Atheneum)
sf novel 4th place
Helliconia Spring (Atheneum)
sf novel 6th place
“A Private Whale ” (Perpetual Light)
novelette 20th place
“Indifference ” (Rooms of Paradise)
novelette 17th place
“A Chinese Perspective ” (Anticipations)
novella 10th place
“Appearance of Life ” (Andromeda 1)
short story 10th place
Hell's Cartographers (BWA &
Harry Harrison, eds.) (Harper & Row)
associational item 5th place
SF Art (Crown)
associational item 2nd place
critic 12th place
The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume Two (
Harry Harrison & BWA, eds.) (Doubleday)
reprint anth/collection 7th place
critic 5th place
The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume One (
Harry Harrison & BWA, eds.) (Doubleday)
reprint anth/collection 13th place (tie)
Best SF: 1971 (
Harry Harrison & BWA, eds.) (Putnam)
reprint anth/collection 11th place
Best SF: 1970 (
Harry Harrison & BWA, eds.) (Putnam)
reprint anth/collection 16th place
(2 nominations)
“The Hibernators ” (Asimov's Oct/Nov 2003)
short story 8th place
“Flight 063 ” (Asimov's Dec 1994)
poem 10th place (tie)
Ditmar Awards
for Australian SF/F, voted by members of Australian National SF Convention
(3 nominations; 1 win)
Frankenstein Unbound (Cape)
international sf nomination
An Age (Faber; Doubleday)
international sf nomination
contemporary writer winner
Eaton Award
for best critical book, to 2001; since 2008, for lifetime achievement, juried
(1 nomination; 1 win)
Trillion Year Spree (by BWA with
David Wingrove) (Gollancz)
(1 nomination)
all-time best sf author 6th place
(1 nomination; 1 win)
Helliconia Spring
foreign novel winner
(2 nominations)
Helliconia Winter (Atheneum)
novel 3rd place
Helliconia Summer (Atheneum)
novel 3rd place (tie)
Seiun Awards
for SF/F works published in Japan, voted by members of annual Japanese SF Con
(1 nomination)
“The Saliva Tree ”
foreign short story nomination