Recruitment Announcement
Taida group Expect your joining. We will offer you enough development prospects and build you an international work platform. I believe taida will be more brilliant because of your joining!

HR Policy
Based on talent strategy, our company putspeople first, emphasizes development and utilization of talents, enhances cultivation and improves huam capital value such as enterprise spirit, knowledge accumulation and business skills.
New page will be released by you. If you are full of creative ideas, join us.
Submit Online
Please read the position information you are interested in and send us your resume on line.
Recruitment Process
you can search taida official website for more information of positions and send us your resume on line. you can also send your resumes to vip@tdaxy.com
Taida Style
we can provide you various positions where you can show yourself as much as you can.
Address of headquarters:High-tech zone, zhengzhou city, China; Post code:450042
Email: vip@tdaxy.com
Sales hot line: 0086-18539990967
Phone of International Trade Department:0086-18539990967