Saturday, May 9, 2020

Candida Eve, by Dominica Phetteplace


(Mars Landing) Susana lands on Mars after an epidemic that killed the rest of the crew and untold millions on Earth. (3,909 words; Time: 13m)

"Candida Eve," by (edited by Trevor Quachri), appeared in issue 05-06|20, published on by .

Mini-Review (click to view--possible spoilers)

Review: 2020.246 (A Word for Authors)

Pro: This is essentially the story of how Susana came to terms with her grief and loss and found a new purpose in life. It should resonate with anyone who’s suffered significant losses.

Con: The story is very, very slow, and not a lot happens in it. Also, it’s hard to believe NASA would have her bring those bodies to the surface to bury. I’d expect them to have her leave them in orbit to be returned to Earth by a later mission.

Other Reviews: Search Web
Dominica Phetteplace Info: Interviews, Websites, ISFDB, FreeSFOnline

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